
Hi my name is Victoria I was abandoned as a baby by both parents so I was raised by my grandparents,me and both my son’s were extremely close with them both I was there carer for the last 6years so we saw them daily,one week before Xmas 2021 they both dies exactly 7 days apart I was there with them both, I feel absolutely devastated it’s been a good few weeks now but each day still feels harder and harder, I can’t concentrate,I have no appetite,sleep is hit and miss, I can’t remember the last time I ever felt like smiling,I miss them both so bad constantly it doesn’t feel like I will ever make it through this one,I lost my husband a few years back too which was awful but this time feels so much worse


Dear @Victoriab

Welcome to the Community. I so sorry for your loss. Grief is so overwhelming and you have had a tough time with not one but 2 losses in a short space of time and you are still grieving the loss of your husband. That is more than anyone can take.

Have you considered booking an appointment with your GP to discuss how you are feeling and what you are going through? Your GP could refer you to Counselling should you wish or let you know if there are any local support groups in your area.

There are a couple of organisations that can support you and Sue Ryder here has bereavement support and counselling service.

Cruse Bereavement offer a helpline, email support, counselling and support through their local services.

You will get through this. You are not alone. We are here to support you and your family. You have made the first big step by reaching out and please continue to do so.

If there is any more we can do to support you or you need more information please email

Take care.


hello Victoria, I am so sorry for your loss I can relate to what you are going through. I was the carer to my parents and since they passed I am like a lost soul but I came to this site for help. And you have reached out here also I am waiting for grief counselling because I am not coping perhaps you could try counselling. take care kate88