
Hi Everyone
I really thought I was getting somewhere,but I’m in reverse again, since losing my Beutifull Lucy to pancreatic cancer on Wednesday 20th October 2021,12.10pm,I’m receiving councilling as you know,it was ok,I’ve stopped eating and sleeping again,since Wednesday,I keep crying,I’m still waiting for a sign from Lucy to let me know that she is ok and watching over me,I’m taking my medication properly.

I’m so desperately looking for a sign :broken_heart::cry:
Every night I look up to the night time Sky and say, Another day closer to my beautiful Lucy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:,it won’t be long, reaching out to all you lovely people helped me but I’m going backwards,and I really don’t know what to do anymore.

I feel for us all on here and people out there who are just starting the journey,and recieving devastating news, sending you all lots of :sparkling_heart::pray:
Martin xx

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Martin, are you looking to hard? Sometimes it’s just tiny little things that I feel inside that says my soulmate is with me. Yes, there’s times when things happen and I have no idea how or why it just happens but there’s others that I can’t explain, smell, touch or just a thought and I say ‘thank you’ because it just defines logic. Lucy will be around you and helping you, well that’s my belief. Stay still and relax and see but don’t push for it to happen, she is there with you, always. S xx

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It took many years before I had a sign from my Dad, so please don’t get discouraged. I truly believe that eventually a sign will come.
Take care

Hi Devonguy,
I also lost my wonderful husband to pancreatic and also liver cancer 3 years ago and I never really looked for a sign but when he was in the hospice 2 robins would often appear outside his window… very often now 2 of them will perch on my bench outside the kitchen window and I like to think it’s Pete letting me know he’s looking out for me. It’s undescriable what we have to go through when we’re left on our own and I feel for you and every one on this site. I take comfort when I’m having a bad day that these strong emotions are normal.
I hope you have a sign soon from your Lucy and it may just come completely out of the blue…
Jenny x

Hi Martin, I went to see a medium, and she said lots of things that she wouldn’t have known about my hubby, like the love of football, his team, he even told her he loved the funeral music, you’ll never walk alone ( avid Liverpool fan) she actually said the name of the song. and this did make me feel like his spirit lives on, we just can’t see them, I feel him around me sometimes.
I have seen feathers that’s a sign, also Robins, and the latest sign was a light at the bottom of my garden it had not worked for around a year, the other evening I looked out and the light was flashing. Bl as all of you that are going through this awful time xxx