
Hello Everyone
In hindsight I should have read the terms and conditions of the site,Yes Sue Ryder is a wonderful organisation, totally agree with you all,
But I was greiving and reached out for help,as I was rapidly deteriorating health wise,
I just wish someone had pointed out, Do not post personal details, your real name pictures of my Beautiful Lucy and my location,I’m not trying to pass the buck far from it,But now I’ve sunk back to where I was Wednesday 20th October last year,I really enjoy it here and have had amazing support from the team and everyone who is greiving, you lifted me up
Thank You xx


Hi Devonguy, I know we all have our bad days, just don’t worry. We are all here to help each other. Look after yourself and stay safe. S xxx


@Devonguy1966 hi devonguy I hope you keep talking on here as we all help eachother. I’m sorry you are back to where you were. Please hang on in there. You are not alone, we are here for you. Sending hugs x


Please keep talking Martin, I hope you can get over this little blip. I admit I didn’t read the terms & conditions fully either, but I’m staying on this site as it truly is a lifeline since the loss of my darling after 40 years together.
I hope you feel a bit better soon. Sending hugs
Janey xx


Who ever reads the T’s and C’s! I don’t even read instructions! Martin please keep talking to us. We are always here for you and each other.
Sending love to you
Nic xxx


The necessity to understand all aspects of online privacy become ever more important. Most of our online searches, posts, shares, tweets, and pics are not only seen by others but also can potentially be used against us.

You may think you are in control of your privacy, but are we really… I agree with nicnic probably 99% of people skip t&cs especially on a site like this where you’re consumed with grief so reading them seem pointless… That said I think any use of the Internet nowadays where every key stroke you type can be found, where every site you visit can be tracked it goes without saying you have to be careful what you put anywhere… I personally couldn’t care a less who reads my stuff or who knows where I am but I get how that could be scary for some.
This site however is an amazing help to thousands of people… Just have to be weary of what personal details you post.