
Hi Everyone
I can’t get motivated today,I need to hoover, ironing etc,I told myself yesterday the plan of action for today,I can’t do it,My 1st bank holiday without my Beautiful Lucy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
We would probably be going to Shaldon in Devon this morning park up and catch the little ferry across to Teighmouth, a cup of tea and coffee, little bit of shopping and a stroll around the the town and beaches, which we loved to do, Now it’s all gone forever,I can’t face going to the places we loved going to, I’m struggling again today,
Sending you all lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx


It’s horrible Martin. It’s the only word I can describe it as. Once we had loved ones and lives and in a moment it was gone. The worst part for me is I didn’t see it coming but I think sudden death is equally as bad as knowing a partner has a life shortening illness. The only place I feel okay is home when my brother and sister stay. It feels safe and reminds me of when we were young Why is life so hard x

Hi Neil
I’m so sorry for your loss,I’ve read your profile and I will read your other post’s soon, thank you for your kind reply, sudden death is equally as bad as knowing your partner has a limited time left,it was hell,But my beautiful Lucy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: didn’t complain about it,I have a video of her dancing to a rave music song 20th August 2021 laughing and smiling,and within 2 months she was gone Wednesday 20th October 2021.
I was in denial up until the end,I prayed for some intervention from above since Lucy was diagnosed Friday 13th march 2020,
I wasn’t alone with thousands of us all doing the same,

I don’t want to go out, what for,it’s all emptyness for me,I like you feel safer at home, glad to hear that you have your brother and sister stay with you,I’m just Existing Not living, longing for the day I can join Lucy in heaven,every night I say to her our of the open lounge window I look up at the star’s and say Another day closer to you my babe,

Life is so hard and so cruel don’t ever think life is fare,it’s not

Send you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx

Typo errors it should have said Nel
Sorry xx