
Hello Everyone
I apologize for not being here lately,I’ve been feeling unwell for a week or so,
I woke up Thursday 26th May 9am with a heavy weight on my chest I tried to walk it off at home thinking it’s just indegetion,by 10pm I knew I was in trouble, wanting to be sick shortness of breath sweating lump in the throat I rang 999 the ambulance arrived within 8 minutes.

They let themselves in I was on the lounge floor everything went black,next I knew I was in the back of the ambulance with paramedics, I was stable so the driver pulled away blues and two’s then it went black again, at the hospital resuss I had passed away 2 times before reaching hospital in the ambulance,
I spent the day in there,I’ve been moved to CCU at the hospital, blood’s ECC etc were done 3 time’s ensign in the blood proved I had 2 heart attacks,

Chest x.rays etc more ECG and bloods, yesterday I went down to the operating theatre to have 3 stent’s put in for my heart,after 30 minutes it was a no go the wires were ok but the valves weren’t

I’m back on the ward last night

Now been informed I have to have heart bypass surgery at either Exeter or Derrifered Plymouth next week,I am stable so many tablets 15 minutes observationsUploading: IMG_20220527_183111453.jpg…

As you can imagine I’m in quite a bit of pain,I keep crying I’m going to be in hospital on Lucy’s birthday June 5th the first one since she passed away,I’m a wreck I need to get home to her, I hope that you are all doing the best you can,
Sending you all lots of love
Martin xx xx

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That’s a lot to cope with, Martin.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Lucy would want you to be safe and being looked after so you are, right now, where you should be.

You carry her memory with you wherever you are so she will have no problem in you remembering her birthday from the hospital ward rather than your home.

No wonder you feel like an emotional wreck. Grief alone is enough to contend with without throwing serious health issues into the mix.

Get well soon.

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Oh Martin.

I’m so sorry to hear this and I hope you get better soon. You are in the right place and that’s where Lucy would want you to be. She’s with you wherever you are. Take this time to be looked after and get back on your feet. Lucy is with you.

Sending lots of love to you,

Nic xx

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That is so much to carry on your own but Lucy is still with you and you have the right medics around you.

Be sure to let the medic team know about your grief etc,


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Dear Martin

What a time you are going through at the moment, your lovely Lucy knows and she is with you every step of the next few days.
Sending love :heart: and be thinking of you and praying :pray: for you to get home soon.
Get well soon.
Love Debbie X X

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Hi Wingingit
Thank you very much for your kind words, I think it was Lucy who woke me up, the alarm was set for 9.15am
My god excruciating pain in the middle of the chest then spread out all across,I know I did the right thing, Lucy want’s me to go on living,I was ready to throw the towel in a few weeks ago, hope you are doing the best you can another weekend amongst us and a bank holiday xx

Hi Debbie57
Really appreciate your kind words,I totally agree with you that Lucy is with me every step of the way,the alarm was set for 9.15am so I’m sure Lucy woke me up in time,
I hope you are doing the best you can, Another weekend and bank holiday amongst us xx

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Hi Beki
Thank you so much for your kind words, I know you are right that Lucy is still with me, guiding me through,the alarm was set for 9.15 so I’m sure she woke me up in time,
I hope that you are doing the best you can we are all family here and for eachother, another weekend amongst us and a bank holiday weekend I hate the weekends and bank holiday take care Stay safe xx

Hi nic
Definitely agree with you there I’m in the right place at the right time,
The alarm was set for 9.15 so I’m sure Lucy woke me up in time to get help,I’m loving and missing her so very much,I was ready to throw the towel in a few weeks ago but I’m sure she is with me,
I hope that you are doing the best you can,we are family and in all this
Greif together, sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx xx

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Dear Martin
I am so sorry to hear of your health problems and do wish you well for a quick recovery. As advised do tell the hospital staff that you are suffering from bereavement also.
I had a similar but not so serious situation to you. I had never been ill or in hospital before but like you I was giving up but the shock of what was happening gave me the will to get on with my life and a kick up the bum to take care of myself again with regard to my lifestyle.
I had never felt so alone and frightened in my life and having to cope with both illness and grief is not easy so be sure that we are all thinking of you.


Hi Pattidot
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss,
It’s hard isn’t it trying to make some sort of life for yourself,I class it as Existing Not living, really appreciate your kind words,I’m glad that you had the strength to lift yourself up,
Well done, I was ready to throw the towel in a few weeks ago,I really was,but I think it was Lucy who woke me up Thursday morning the alarm was set for 9.15 she gave me the time and strength to dial 999 I’m glad I did,
Sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray:
Take care Stay safe
Martin xx xx

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Hi there Martin
I have been reading your latest Post and sorry you had a restless night.
Lucy is certainly giving you the chance to continue with your life and when this is all over you can concentrate on doing just that. For Lucy.
I am in my third year of my loss and I had my scare within a few months but I am fine now and it made me realise that life is a gift and no matter what is thrown at us we have to try to come to terms with it. You are being given another chance so no giving up.
Your correct it is an existance more so in the early days but we do learn to cope with it and we do smile again.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Hi Pat
Thank you for your kind words,
It was a hell of a night,I’m not feeling too bad today,more blood’s taken ECG,heart monitor,more med’s they are certainly looking after me, so grateful to them all,

I agree with you Lucy is certainly giving me the chance to continue with my life,that’s her all over,she was a giver not a taker,she was always so kind to people,

I’m so sorry for your loss and it being the third year,I don’t mean to pry but may I ask what the scare was please, I totally understand if you don’t to, life is definitely a gift I’ve come to learn that so quickly from my heart attack, I thought sod it,I’m coming Luce,but she just wouldn’t let me,she forced the last bit of strength out of me to reach the phone and dial 999.

I’m definitely not giving up,I’ll live for the both of us.

My thoughts and prayers are with you to Pat xx


Hello Devon Guy, I have been following your posts for a while now. So sorry to hear what a tough time you have been having last few months. I just wanted to say that I have seen how you have been struggling (me too) and despite this setback to your health now, how emotionally you are, hopefully beginning to become a bit stronger. It’s a tough road and no one wants to lose their partner at all, but like it or not we are still here and it’s not our time yet. All we can do is take it a day at a time and get through it as best we can. You clearly loved Lucy and miss her so much and nobody can take the past from you. Right now though you are doing the right thing by looking to take care of yourself. For Lucy and for yourself. Very best wishes for some peace. Take care of yourself.


Hi Nell 2
Thank You very much for your kind words,
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling Aswell, it was the heart attacks,I now know it was Lucy’s intervention,that stopped me from dying,I can honestly say that I feel that in my heart,
I totally agree with you,nobody wants to lose there partner at all, and like it or not we are still here and it’s not our time yet as I found out Thurs 26th May at home 9am,

I love Lucy with all my heart and soul thank you again for reading my posts and that you can see how much I love and miss her so much,my heart breaks,I am definitely going to do everything right and want Lucy to be so proud of me,I’ve been given a 2nd chance from Lucy,this was a wake up call.

I do hope that you are doing the best you can, I’m sorry it took so long to reply to you,I couldn’t find your message and was going through my profile etc,and YES found you at last phew,

Sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray:

Take care Stay safe
Martin xx xx

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