
To my Beautiful Sweetcheeks Lucy
It’s 1 year since you were taken from me,My Heart is Broken :broken_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::rose::rainbow::pray::candle::cold_sweat::innocent::boxing_glove::boxing_glove::kissing_cat:

Every Day is a Struggle without you by my side

I love you with all my :heavy_heart_exclamation: and soul for ever

I’m Existing Sleep Tight Gorgeous
I’ll see you soon

Always Martin xx xx


Like you I lost the love of my life, only 2 months ago. My life is not worth living now xx

Hi Martin , thinking of you today ,sending love and strength . Nice to see you posted . Xtake carex

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Hi Ian

I lost my husband 2mths ago to lung cancer and I feel the same as you. The grief is so overwhelming.

Hi, my late husband is Ian, I’m Chris. I just now received his ashes and crying buckets to think I will never see him again x