
Hi Everyone
I’m still around,Just
I’m trying to get there,where I don’t know, every day is a struggle, Existing, still not eating and sleeping properly losing weight still no GP appointment I’ve been forgotten so I’ve given up on it.

How are you all doing I know it’s a stupid question,as we are all in the same boat,

This road is long isn’t it,I’m constantly thinking about my beautiful Lucy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cold_sweat::broken_heart::rose::candle::pray:

Is she ok,I love and miss her so very much, the night’s are drawing in now and the clocks go back, Lucy’s favourite time of the year,all cosy in doors,

It’s a shame we can’t turn the days, weeks, month’s, year’s back,

Don’t think for 1 minute I don’t think about you all, because I do, I pop on here regularly and read your lovely messages to me and to others I’m very grateful to everyone

I don’t always reply because I’m not up to it,I know you know this,

Your get well messages always bring a smile to my face,We are Family here and sorry to say we are getting bigger each day, but everyone is welcome and we will make you welcome,if you have come across this site by looking for help, loving, caring, people who like you have been/going through the same grief,then you have come to the right place,

I love you all

I’ll reply as soon as I can,

Lots of love
Martin xx


Thank you for still being here Martin. I look out for your poems and messages.

It’s a long and painful road that we all travel on.

I have some good days but my H is constantly in my mind. I also find whomever I’m with I have a deep sadness inside that will never go

I read somewhere that grief is love with nowhere to go

Thinking of you


Hi Martin,

It’s lovely to hear from you. I’m sorry your health is still not good and your not getting help from your doctor.

We are all doing the best we can, just one day at at time it’s all we can do.

Keep posting your poems I love reading them.

Sending love
Debbie X

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