
Hi Everyone
Another weekend over with, as I’m sure you will all agree,the night’s are drawing in My Beutifull Lucy’s favourite time of the year,all snuggled up in doors,I admit I’m struggling I’m trying to get there, obviously with the triple heart bypass surgery has made me very unwell I’m on my own still no GP face to face or call backs, neglected,

I’m Existing NOT Living, Welcome to our new members to our wonderful community you will be looked after here by us all,This journey we are on is long and so very lonely I’m glad that you like the poems I put up,I try to find the best one’s that sums us all up, I just want this year over and done with, Don’t you,I sometimes feel as though I take 2 steps forward 10 steps back, eating and sleeping is still a massive problem,I’m always thinking about you all, thank you for your kind messages of comfort,

I’m not going to ask how you are all doing,I already know,I’m sending my love and best wishes to everyone Keep going you are doing fantastic even though we don’t want to be here,it’s a living nightmare

Take 1 step at a time,there is no rush,

God Bless
Martin xx


Martin, thank you so much for the update, just read a couple of your poems and was thinking about you when I found your post. As you say another week to tick off. Try to keep smiling and keep well. S xxx

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I love your poems you post! Totally sums me up for sure. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I pray for us all daily. Grief is such a long hard journey. I am lucky to be part of such a wonderful group. Hang in there!

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