
I lost my lovely Nubian wife on the 16th November last year .
I have never been so devastated in my life.
I lost my mother 25 years ago to dementia and cancer and lost my dad 3 years ago to Covid related symptoms . These deaths were bad enough but my wife dying was so unexpected after a very quick diagnosis with Colon rectal cancer and died 5 weeks later, talk about shock!
I have been in such a state, confusion, denial, and now bargaining , I truly loved her and had known her for 12 years . We went through our tough times going through an interracial relationship , that really didn’t matter and if people didn’t like it tough!
She was only 57 and was really ambitious which I loved , she was a real tough cookie god bless her, I cry and mourn her every single day .


I understand how you feel, i lost my beloved husband on 23rd November, like you i only had 4 weeks from the diagnosis. He was 50 years old.

So sorry for your loss

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So sorry for your loss it must be very difficult for you. My husband also had colon / rectal cancer with no symptoms at all just picked up in bowel screening. He was not unwell at all until after the chemo and radiotherapy. We were told he would feel worse before he got better so everything he was experiencing we expected. We went to A n E on 9 th December and he was admitted to a ward. On 12 th we were told nothing could be done as his liver and kidneys were on very low function and he would only have weeks . He died just a few days later on 17 th. All a massive shock and very hard to accept


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my wife completely unexpectedly in November after just a week in hospital with what we thought was just a chest infection. Obviously it was more than that!

I’ve been numb, confused, in denial, angry and devastated too. It’s dreadful but with the help of groups on here I’m just about beginning to come to terms with everything that’s happened. I know my children are still feeling the same. I’ve also lost both sets of our parents also a child at a very early age - and yes, losing a partner is a very different experience. Keep chatting here and things will slowly change. Take baby steps as even baby steps get you want to be - in time.
