Did anyone see a grief counsellor

Sandancer66 dont bottle anything up and dont be afraid to ask for help its nothing to be ashamed of. It took me a while to realise it.my daughter and stepson dave plus family realised I was having a bad time of it and said if I didn’t they would force me to go to the doctors and i am glad the did


Thanks for your advice. Take care

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I have been trying to get some counselling since my husband died four months ago, with no luck so far. I feel like a group would be best for me.


@Dee44 I have joined the loss foundation groups. I have joined a virtual bubble group but I believe there are also physical ones. These are free.

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Dee44 the hospice where my gorgeous beautiful wife sue spent her final days offered me counselling and I will admit it was a big help to me. So i would push for it.unfortunealy cruse were no help whatsoever to me

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I rang other organisations, and all they made were sympathetic noises, and told me that maybe medication was the answer. For me personally that would just be a sticking plaster solution. Take care


Thank you Milley. I have never heard of these, but will look into it.

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Thank you Martyn2. Our hospice nurse did offer me counselling when my husband was ill, but I don’t know if they do grief, group counselling, which I think would be best for me.


Sandancer66 Yes, I’ve found that too. I don’t want medication either for the same reason as yourself. Will keep trying for counselling, but might have to just put my faith in time.


Dee44 i was offered group counselling but transport issues were a problem so am doing phone counselling now .hope this helps


Thanks for replying. Take care


Hi Sanddancer66, I’m wondering if your from my neck of the woods, just by your title, i did see a counsellor, in our local area, went for about 6 weeks, helped me after losing my Husband in July 2022, they listened i cried at times, i did feel like it help take some of the grief away, i think it was through my GP i was referred to them, ive not been for a few weeks now, as the course.was finished, just talking ,getting it off your chest a bit, helped me, i am still having tough days, but try to get through it, hope that helps you, .


I have just started to see a private counsellor locally as nobody else was willing to help, particularly the GP! I am lucky that I can afford to pay for counselling and must admit after having had 2 sessions I really feel that it will help. I deliberately went for a counsellor who is a bit older so that I felt she would have sufficient life experiences etc, couldn’t believe it when she told me she is nearly 80. I was told about the group counselling at the hospice but I said I wouldn’t go there as it is next to the hospital where Keef was allowed to die in February. Being able to talk to someone about everything who doesn’t know me has really helped and I felt that I was able to off load so much.


Hi There. I take it your a sandancer too. I don’t like to burden my friends and family with how bad I’m feeling, but my dad was also a friend, and I miss him so much. If you ever want to talk just get in touch. It would do me good as well. Take care

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I lost my mother 44 years ago, and my dad last month. My daughter has been great, and she is greiving too, but I feel totally lost without my dad. Everywhere I go reminds me of him. Take care

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Thank you. It’s certainly a lot easier unburdening to a sort of stranger because then you don’t hold back. I cried huge amounts and obviously most people now seem to think I’m okay, well it’s been nearly 8 months so shouldn’t I!? It was so good to be able to talk about both the good and bad things in our marriage, well when you’re with someone for nearly 44 years it’s a huge chunk of your life, I was 21 when we met and I was just 65 when he went. Take care xx


I still miss my mother after 44 years, and I’ll miss my dad for the rest of my life too. Since my dad passed last month, I’ve wondered how he coped because my mother was the love of his life. Take care


I’m struggling too Dee. I lost my brother 2 months ago and feel that group support would help but can’t seem to find one.


@Soyel , Me too. I would love to go to a group but there isnt one in my area:(

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Same, not one in my area. I don’t think that one to one or phone support would help me.

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