Different life

Ive had to go to my mums house today to start sorting everything in the house.
I walked in and felt life i had just walked into a different life. Does anyone else feel like that?
My life changed so much when she passed and being in the house makes me remember all the memrlories and things i use to do that i don’t do anymore as shes not her to do them with.

Dear NicciC,

Losing our mum is a life changing event. I do remember how I felt the first time I entered my parent’s empty house. So many memories, so may emotions. I was fortunate that I was not on my own for long, because my sisters soon joined me and we spend about a week together, sorting things out.
All I can say is: take your time (if that is possible). Take a break when you need to, cry when you need to. We felt that sorting out our parents belongings and making sure that everything would find a good home was one of the last things we could do for them. I took quite a few pictures so I would always remember what the house looked like.
The last time I eft the house I felt very sad, knowing I would never go back there, but I also realised that by then it was just a house, no longer a home, and that the most important things, the memories and my love for them , would be in my heart forever.
Sending love and hugs your way, as you are sorting out your mum’s belongings.

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I too lost my mum recently and after caring for her for so long i do feel lost like now theres nothing to do, even though i have 3 children keeping me busy it still feels so odd!
I am yet to help my dad sort my mums stuff as its still quite soon but i am dreading it because il want to keep everything!.

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Luckily i wasnt on my own in the house for long, my brother and sister-in-law came in, so we sorted things together.
Im now feeling abit sorry for myself tonight now im home as it has shock it up again my feelings and im missing my mum. I hate i cant talk to her.

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I totaly get how you are feeling i keep picking the phone up.and then remembering :pensive:


This is the part I’m now dreading the most. My mams house is in probate as it has been for almost 9 months since she passed away.
I hate going there even just to pick up post. It’s like time stood still. Everything looks exactly the same as she left it, …but it now just feels cold and empty. Its such a sad place to be, Just full of memories.
The thought of parting with her belongings is just so painful, I feel like I’m getting rid of her.
However, I know that for me to restart my own very different life, its a process I need to go through.

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Hi,nicciC, samantha 7251,marylou, going up to my mum & dads now my mum has gone is so hard, dad looks lost, just not seeing her sitting were she always did is heartbreaking, she has left a huge void, when I sat in the lounge on my own this morning it felt like I was In someone elses home it will never feel like how it used to feel, yes and the thought of never hearing her voice again is at times to much to take in, why is life so cruel at times, my dad wanted me to sort all mums clothes out & take them as he said it’s to painful to see them in the wardrobe so I’ve got everything of hers at mine and I will never part with any of them it’s too hard too, it’s a very painful & soul destroying journey we are all on, hopefully we can carry each other along and by keeping in touch help cope with each day at a time ,take care all
Love Lynn x


It’s heartbreaking @lynn2691 . I understand about not parting with clothes, belongings, in fact anything at all. I’m dreading it.
However, I did get 2 memory bears made out of some of my mams clothing earlier in the year, for my daughters to keep. It was a way to keep the clothing, but for them to have a new purpose. I know there’s lots of ideas for re using clothing like that, cushions, quilt covers, all sorts of things.
Not for one minute thinking everyone would like that, but it is an idea that brought us some comfort xx

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Marylou that sounds like a really good idea, it would be really comforting to have items around the house of mums clothes, it will be a way of always knowing she is there, thank you for the idea xx

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