Difficulty sleeping - Normal? What can I do?

Hi, I’ve been having a couple of sleep issues. Have been on chemo and have fatigue but even if I’m ‘tired’ I find sleep doesn’t come quickly I just stare at the wall for ages. Any ideas? Or suggestions how to deal with this. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi devonk21,

Welcome to the Sue Ryder Online Community. Sorry to hear that you are struggling with both fatigue and sleeplessness during chemo - you must be feeling pretty drained. Perhaps the sleep problems could be due to side effects of treatment, or perhaps stress or anxiety?

If you need to talk or vent about anything, this site is here for you.

Another user, Claire, posted recently about fatigue during chemo, although she didn’t mention sleeplessness, but if you might find it helpful to be in touch with her, you can read and reply to her post here: https://support.sueryder.org/community/treatment-and-care/very-dry-skin-fatigue

We also had a discussion a while back about problems sleeping: https://support.sueryder.org/community/end-life/support-available-lonely-times#post-1301 (The users there are family members rather than patients, but some of the tips might still be helpful to read).

Macmillan Cancer Support also have some useful information on sleeping problems during treatment here: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/information-and-support/coping/side-effects-and-symptoms/other-side-effects/difficulty-sleeping.html

Hi Priscilla!

Thanks for all of the information. Very useful… I think it might be stress related. I’ll look into the Macmillian link you posted about sleeping problems. Thanks :slight_smile: