do not pass me by drop in

Hi how are you doing, thanks for dropping in.

I am lost I am missing my partner she passed away so Yong.

I do not know what to do.

Every day is a struggle, every day seems so stressful so upsetting so much pain.

I go to bed upset and get up with a broken :broken_heart:.

I am lost feeling lonely I just can’t function, my head is full of things I should have done could have done and full of regrets.

I wish she was here wish she could be with me, the loss is difficult to get over, will I ever recover.

I do not know if I could go out and get any friends or people to spend time with.

From a man full of life, happy fun and enjoying life, to now a broken man.

Thanks for dropping in lots of love :heart: have a good day.


Do try to get out. I find it gives you something else to think about, and a chance to see and speak with others.
This is very difficult and there is no magic formula, we simply need to keep going.


Thanks for dropping in. Hopefully your day goes well.

I’m the same , missing my wife and everything I see reminds me of her or of things we did together . I too have so many regrets , taking what we had for granted , thinking we had forever to do the things we had planned etc .
All we can do is put one foot in front of the other and try to move forward , in my case an inch at a time I guess ….
Hope you all have a bearable day with less pain than yesterday ( would say good but I’ve forgotten what a good day is )


Yes I wish I could have a good day, at least have a break in the pain I am in.

If only I could change things, but sadly I can’t.

My life is lonely, Pan, upset and just no more happiness.

I know I have to keep going and keep taking a step forward.

Lots of love :heart:


It’s so sad that we all feel the same. I wish for things to improve but as yet nothing has changed for the better. Can only hope for better days.x

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Yes I would love to have a better day, I would love to feel better.

I have tried but nothing works at the moment.

Thanks for dropping in for a chat.

So many of us are lost and lonely. I would love to be able to really talk to my husband, rather than the superficial chit chat from my golf partner today.

I played my best game in ages and hes not here to share :broken_heart:

@lonlydel have you a friend you could meet with for coffee or a walk. You should try to get out if you can. The sunshine helps a little.


Unfortunately in life you put all your eggs in one basket, I moved away from my friends and family just after moving I lost my partner.

It was out of the blue no warning.

I am looking to get out, go out to meet people.

But to go out you must feel you could chat to others but I think it would be to difficult.

I keep trying.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Lots of love.