Do you believe in signs from loved ones

I lost my mum a few weeks ago and I’m really struggling with life without her. However it is some comfort that I can feel her near me as well as my dad whom we lost 15 years ago. Nothing would make me happier than knowing she is with my dad and he is looking after her now. Except, only one thing would make me happier and I’ve told mum several times over the past few weeks that I hope our dog is with them both. Mum and dad both adored the dog and we have missed him immensely since he passed away three years ago. Two days ago, I was sitting on my mum’s garden bench and said out loud that I wish she was sitting next to me and that our dog was lying on the doormat next to us (he always uses to lie there). I went inside and then around an hour later, I opened the door and there was a tiny white feather lying on the middle of the door mat.


Hi @BirdWatcher . I’d say that was definitely a sign and you can be sure that they’re all together now, happy and pain free.



Yes 100% that was a sign. How lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx


Defo signs every time go to mums house a wee robin appears in garden my dad loved his gardening also not long after dad passed a robin flew in to car next to me


Definitely a sign xx
When i was driving to my first bereavement session i was feeling nervous. Then I felt something on my hand i looked down and watched a lady bird walk across my hand and along my arm. Felt it was my lovely mum reassuring me.
Then one day on my bedroom floor was a white feather. I have no feather pillows !!