Does anyone else feel physically sick?

This is exactly how I feel too. I also get really overwhelmed by everything and can’t stand being around people. It is such a horrid feeling x


Lol … mmmm … could take my phone i suppose ? No i do just want friendship but i still find it hard to ask him that … !! Lol x

Thank you to everyone who replied to my post about feeling sick. I know how awful it is and I feel for all of you in your time of grief. Even though it is a journey none of us want to be on, it is good to know that other people understand, and hopefully we can support one another. I have found this community really helpful - so thank you x


Yeh i agree if we can laugh it gives us hope doesnt it ? Dont think ive laughed all week … not a lot to laugh about atm xxx

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Take your phone with you,then either you call him or he calls you while you’re standing there and then you don’t need a pen,got him. You already know him so feel the fear and do it anyway,you’re not asking him to marry you … yet. :rofl: :rofl:


Lol … yeh i was thinking of taking my phone !
Yikes man … i bet i chicken out with number though … im always gonna be brave and then i flipping well change my mind … gotta see him first anyway … and dont think he takes his phone on walks though !!!.Xx

Thank you KMS1
Already your words helped me to came down and back to earth again - thank you. It stopped me to fell deeper into the dangerous zone.
I feel more safe now.



Exactly lol

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Dear KMS1 - After long thinking about it I agree. You are right, it is not what she wanted. There was a letter which told us, the children and me, to go on with our life’s and to celebrate the good time we had together … so I will … even it is more than hard and difficult…


I’m going to try to do the same @klaus. It was a special anniversary for me yesterday - the first date I went on with my partner. I tried to think about it in a positive way but I was still sad. Guess it takes time but we will hopefully get there if we keep trying.

I do still feel sick and not eating good, its horrible, I don’t think I will ever get over my husbands death suddenly at 62. Worst experience in the world. I look back and the wonderful nearly 40 years together, it heartbreaking, wish I coud help you all and take this away.


I often have felt sick when dealing with anxiety or the unknown. Many years ago in my late teens any stress (e.g. going for an interview) I felt very sick. It is horrible because you are worried about going out. Since my partner died I have not had the sickness problem quite so much but feel very light-headed and cannot concentrate on anything. Therefore I do sympathise about feeling sick. However it was suggested to me that I try Jig saw puzzles. I was very reluctant at first as I have never done jigsaw puzzles. Having failed to concentrate on reading and TV I gave it a try and now it is the only thing that I can focus on and it calms me down when I get very anxious. Everybody is different but that is what I find works for me. Sometimes when I wake very early I will go and do some of my puzzle until I feel better.


I feel exactly the same we were married 48 yrs and I retired last year we had so much to look forward to I feel so lonely now


I do jigsaws to calm, me down just small ones online but they certainly help me settle down I do them everyday


Jigsaws are great, like meditation. But now I have so many, what to do with them?


Like the jigsaw idea - I will try it. Thank you everyone


Yes you try it. I was very reluctant at first as I had never done one before. I did not believe it would concentrate my mind, when nothing else worked. However, it does work so it is worth a go. Good luck with it.

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I also suffer with nausea