Does anyone else feel physically sick?

Does anyone else feel physically sick at the loss of their partner? I can’t seem to shake it off, whether resting or doing something. I haven’t come to terms with my partner’s death - he died of brain cancer in February after being diagnosed in December so I do recognise that everything is very raw. I am taking one day at a time as thinking further ahead than that is overwhelming. We had hoped to grow old together and now he is gone. I am sleeping OK and eating OK but still feel sick. My partner really did live life to the full and I was privileged to share nearly 15 years with him but now I feel I am treading water. Does anyone else feel similar?


Lost my wife of 48 years to brain cancer 14 months ago, also after a brief 2 months from diagnosis to her going. Been through the whole gammit of emotions and physical issues since…as will you I suspect. Very early for you so take one day at a time…maybe ask your doctor for something to help if the sickness doesn’t settle. Sending love :heart:


Not sickness but treading water rings a bell !!! I feel like i dont exist anymore , that im just going through the motions of living … i have a lovely puppy but still miss his company so much :frowning: i always have a feeling i would like to run away ! Run away from this situation more like !! You are early days as @UnityMan said … be patient with yourself. As they say … baby steps xx

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Thank you @Deb5 . Sorry that you feel as though you are treading water too. It is so difficult x


Thank you @UnityMan. May I ask, how do you feel nowadays?

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Thank you honey. Its crap innit. Met a lovely man who takes his dogs for a walk where i do. Lovely guy. Makes me laugh but i not seen him for a few weeks. He always cheers me up when i see him. Makes me feel like its worth being alive … but as i say not seen him for few weeks ? Think we must both be going at different times ? :slight_smile: xx


Physically ok… emotionally not very good. Finding it difficult to find a way forward that fills me with any kind of enthusiasm. After 50 years doing everything together it’s very hard. Don’t think I ever will tbh and I think learning to come to terms with that is my new reality.:roll_eyes:


Hi Deb5 maybe he’s gone on holiday? If you like him as a friend, when you next see him ask him for his number so you can prearrange a meet up time to walk the dogs :slightly_smiling_face:

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@UnityMan I agree, I’m the same, no enthusiasm for much outside of our home. I do try and make an effort but then feel exhausted as it just seems pretty pointless. I feel like an outsider wherever I go and whoever I’m with. The real me is not turning up…I’m hoping this is all just temporary…


I darednt … lol … hes not on holiday … think i saw him this morning but i had gone before he went on field and also seen him on local chatroom … hes not on holiday … i just not bloody bumped into him !! My friend saw him 2 days ago and i literally got there 2 minutes after he had gone !! Grrrhhh … so annoying !!!

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Yes / I do - it starts when I wake up and ends - or rather I feel it not - when falling asleep-
I can’t find out why. It is a feeling between fear and deep grief. Horrible but still I have to cry and can’t think clear. It is just 3 month ago my love of my life has died abroad and since that that time I felt just as if numb - and the idea of taking my life to be with her, grew… still present and still stronger - can’t stop it -

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Aw …m @klaus so sorry for you :frowning: its very hard isn’t it ? We have to believe it will get better one day and we might be able to be happy again ? You’re in very early days you know … im much further down the line than you but i am having an awful weekend ! I think bank holidays are the worst tbh … miss them even more than normal xx


So agree, i just want to run away from this horrible situation. My husband died suddenly- no symptoms of the cancer, just 2 months ago. I am totally lost but have to “be him” in continuing his farm business. Life must get better, it cannot stay like this.


Well …you know this saying only too well…life is too short! so get his phone number next time you see him and say you would love to meet up and go for a nice long walk with the dogs, simple enough…

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I know but im scared to … why dont he ask me for mine !! Lol … i am on local online chat thing and he could message me couldnt he ? Might ask him if ever wants to go for a coffee /walk to message me though !! I know lifes too short i just wish he would be more forward instead of me !!! Dont find it easy really … but hes a good friend for sure !! And i cant ask him for his number cos i wont have a pen on me will i … might start taking a pen though lol xx god i know im useless but not used to this you know ! Was married 35 years !!

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Yeh i bliming hope so or else we might as well have gone with them !! We must have a purpose, there must be something or somebody that makes us happy :frowning: xx


Ah so you want more than friendship is that right? Because if it was purely friendship you wouldn’t be waiting for him to make a move, you would just ask him about a day out with the dogs …besides…he may be scared too lol…and you don’t need a pen! Lol you just add him as a contact in your phone…you have made me laugh


Very sorry to hear this, @klaus. Don’t give up though please. This community does care; we all know how bad this feels, we understand.


Hi I lost my sister 6 weeks ago and can’t shake the sick and anxious feeling. It is just horrible. Never felt anything like it before. I feel like i am dragging everyone down with me because I am so sad the whole time. I know how you feel and it is debilitating. Take care of yourself x


Thanks for sharing how you feel @UnityMan. Tonight, for the first time since my partner died, I laughed - a proper belly laugh. I was at a friend’s house and she recounted a story and I laughed. I realised as I walked home that I didn’t feel sick at that moment. I feel sick again now but that incident has given me hope. It would be great if it could give other people hope too. The love of my life has died but perhaps my (and your) life will have moments of laughter and happiness. I am clinging on to that hope x