Does anyone know of any in person support groups?

I lost my mum last year (i was 24) I need to talk to people that understand. My friends are lovely but no one has lost anyone. I find myself resenting them. I just want to be around people that understand


Hello @charlotte971,

I’m very sorry to hear that you have lost your mum.

You might want to check out the AtALoss website. It is a directory of bereavement support, including support groups. If you click this link then select your region, you can see what bereavement support is available in your area.

Your council’s website should also have information on local bereavement support. I’m not sure whereabouts in London you are, but if you search for “your council name + bereavement”, you can find your council bereavement support page.

I hope that this is helpful and you find the support you need.

Take care

Thank you so much for your help, i’ll try that

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Hi Charlotte. I totally get you. I am older than you (32) but also feel I lost my mum too soon, and most of my friends still have both parents and grandparents. It makes you feel very alone and like it’s unfair, so I get the resentment you feel. I’ve also looked up in person groups, but can’t find any near me in Leicestershire. I’m finding some comfort talking to people in similar situations on here. Wish there was an in person group tho. Hope you find one x

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Hi Charlotte,

I hope you’re coping as well as possible given the circumstances. I’m 22 and lost my beautiful Mum 3 weeks ago, to say I’m struggling is an understatement.

I have only managed to find one in person support group so far, and it was through my local Hospice so it may be worth trying to see whether yours may offer group sessions? The only thing that put a dampener on it for me is the fact that everyone else was 70+, so I couldn’t escape the feeling of how unfair it is that my mum has gone so young. Whilst everyone understood the feeling of grief, it’s just not quite the same when our mums had so much life left to live :frowning:

Sending you so much love and healing :heart:

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