Does humour help you cope with grief? Share your thoughts in our survey

Hello everyone,

Over the years, we have read lots of posts from members who, even in the darkest of times, have found humour helpful in coping with their grief. This might be telling a funny story about the person who has died, distracting themselves with comedy shows, as a way of expressing difficult emotions and more.

We want to help people understand humour as a normal and acceptable way to grieve, and as nothing to be ashamed of. We have created a quick survey to learn more about people’s experiences of humour and grief. By sharing your experience, you can help us make sure our advice reflects people’s real life and is as useful as possible to people who are grieving.

There are four questions in total. None of them are mandatory. It should take 10-15 minutes, or quicker if you like.

You can take the survey by visiting this link:

Thank you :blue_heart:

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