Does it ever get easier?

It has been 11 months since my Nan passed away. It hurts just as much as time goes on. 11 months since I held her hand, saw her smile, made her laugh. Every happy moment since has been bittersweet because she’s not here to share it with. I assumed as time went on it would get easier, that’s what everyone says, but it hasn’t. Is this my life forever now? Does it ever get easier?

I have accepted my life will never be the same but it feels Impossible to live with this much pain for the rest of my life.

Bless you Adel. Your nan must have been very special. How lucky she was to have a grandchild who loved her as you do. I lost my mum 6 years ago and I’ve also lost my brother and my best friend. I’m not sure easier is the right word - you do learn to live with your loss but the memories never fade and the pain will lessen. I lost my husband in June last year and that has been life changing. Grief is a terrible thing and we each have our own journey to travel. I send you love as you travel yours. Xx

I send you my love & hugs. It’s 18 months since I lost my lovely Dad and I was doing much better. I was proud of myself for getting on with life and, while I will never forget him I was learning to live with the pain. But as with so many of you sometimes the big black cloud descends. Christmas is do difficult in so many ways. My worst time is seeing my beautiful grandson growing up and Dad is missing all this. You will feel better trust me. But you will also have bad times. That’s life whether it’s grief or so many other reasons. You’ll get there. Just be kind to yourself. You are worth it!