Does this resonate!!

Listening to a talk by a Dr Scott Eilers by chance on you tube last night one of the things he said when he was going through a bad time was…" I don’t want to do anything but I don’t want to do nothing." I’d never looked at it this way before and was wondering if it resonates with any of you good folk on here. I’m feeling like it right now…and it’s Sunday.
Thinking of you all.
Love Jenny


Hi , yes that’s exactly how I feel . All day yesterday I did nothing , thought to myself will catch up today . Today walking from room to room , as if I’m looking for something or someone , got no motivation , I did say yesterday I had lost my mojo . It’s so boring doing nothing and makes the day that much longer . But can’t be bothered to do something . How different it was when my husband was here. I had a purpose . Xtake carex


Hi, yes this is so true, I want to keep busy so I can’t think and get upset but I have no motivation to do anything. All weekend I’ve been wanting to go back to work and now I’m going back tomorrow - I don’t want to.:heart:


Thanks for replying Broken and sorry you feel the way I do. Same for me yesterday just didn’t know what to do with myself and wandering around the house like a lost soul and ended up doing very little and looks like I’m heading that way again today. There is a local arts and craft festival on in another village and as there is no way I can stay in all day today I might go and have a look. Then I can see all the lovely crafts that I could be doing…but can’t be bothered. Yes and how right you are in saying how different when we had our husbands and there was a purpose to it all.
Love Jenny x

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Hi Anne 25, I think the hardest part is wanting to do something which we’d have done in a heartbeat before and not even think about it, to knowing these things need to be done and having no enthusiasim to do it. I am going to change the bed now…well that’s the plan?
LOve Jenny x

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Thank you :heart:. I find when I HAVE to do something I’m not so bad. I’m distracted and I know these things need to be done. Anything else I just can’t be bothered… like making the bed for example. A friend suggested I write a to do list and work my way through it… just a few small tasks each day. I might try it… willing to try anything. Sending hugs X

Hope work goes well tomorrow Anne and just to let you know that I did change the bed but couldn’t be bothered with the duvey cover. We always did that job together.
It’s good to jot down things you should or could be doing as it’s great when you tick them off.
Take care and sending return hugsto you. Love Jenny x

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Thank you Jenny and that’s good you were able to change the bed- small steps :heart:. I will try the to do list and tick each task off. Anything to help get through each day will be a blessing :pray:t3:. Love Anne x

I have just stripped my bed off . Washing on the line . Still need to make the bed . Been out in garden hacked away at bush . It’s now baldy , so easy to get carried away . Looked at the time , still a long time till bed time . But a result for me today . All xtake carex

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Yes! Time drags on and I hate that and there are a thousand and one things to do, but I can’t manage anything. :pensive:

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Hi all i cant believe i feel totally the same walk around the house all day doing nothing…i was so different before i lost kev nearly 7 months ago i just feel like "empty tired sad no motivation what so ever but i have guardianship off my three grandsons so i have to care for them but its a hugh effort even to get out off bed i just cant believe was grief is like i was totally clueless off what was coming on the 31st july last year…Take care all