Don’t Ask If I’m Okay (Poem by Toni Kane)

It’s 51 weeks today since I lost the love of my life.

Don’t ask me how I’m doing
Don’t ask me if I’m okay
Don’t say he’s in a better place
As you wont like what I say.

NO… Time is not a healer
And this was NOT God’s will
If he knew how much I’ve really lost
He would be right here still.

I won’t try to be positive
And this wasn’t for the best
My heart’s in broken pieces
And it hurts deep in my chest.

Don’t say, at least he’s out of pain
Well, I’m not and may never be
His pain is gone, but mine’s still here
It’s been passed on to me.

Don’t tell me you know how I feel
Even though it may be true
The grief is mine for what length of time
It takes me to get through.


Oh Sad, I have missed your poems and today’s is very sad but so true. Thank you but please be proud of yourself. You should be proud of yourself because you have managed to do all that you have achieved over those 51 weeks. Next week I shall be thinking of you and sending big hugs and blessings. S xx


Dear sad2

Oh how the words so resonate. I wish I could share it with some of my friends and family who always start their calls with ‘how you doing’ because they certainly don’t like my responses.

Will be thinking of you next week. xxxxx

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Hello Sad2
Beautiful poem, time doesn’t heal, how can it be when we have loss the most important person in our life. Some people tell me to be positive, this remark makes me feel sick, all I/we feel is pain, day in day out.
I will be thinking of you next week.
Sending lots of hugs
Amy x

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@sad2 hi sad that is beautiful and and so true. I will be thinking of you next week. Sending love and hugs x

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Thank you so much Sheila, Amy and Casey
Your kind words and thoughts mean a lot to me.
I still can’t believe that I will never see Alan again. I want to wake up from this nightmare.
Take care and a big hug for you all.
Joan xxx


Apologies Susie, I missed you out in my reply to all the lovely people who responded,
As ever, thank you so much for your support and kind words, xx

Anytime, it’s what we are here for what I enjoy doing, in a funny way🥰. Take care.

What lovely words and so true. I do wonder what answer people expect when they ask how I’m doing. How do they think I’m doing after the loss of my husband suddenly and unexpectedly after being together for nearly 40 years.

I too wish I could wake up from this nightmare as that’s the only way to describe it!

Look to the future I’m told and I just reply, what future….

Take care everyone,

Julie x