Don't know how I will cope

I list my soul mate whilst on holiday, he had a massive heart attack and was taken to hospital but never regained concesiness and sadly died 23rd July, I stayed on northern ireland whilst I sorted out yhe repatriation for him and finally got home two weeks ago, Daves funeral was Tuesday this week and since then I’ve not slept,hardly eaten and am going through the motion’s of living my life,walking the dogs,cleaning etc,not only was Dave my husband but my carer as well and I really don’t know how I will cope without him,we have 3 sons who are married and need to get on with their lives without having to care for me , I know it’s early days but I’m struggling with everyday life


Bless you milomurphy is so early days for you and everything is so raw at moment. I can’t say it will get any easier with time I’m 1 year today in my journey and I’m still heartbroken . My husband was also my career and like you I struggle with doing anything I can’t even walk the dogs thank God they are tiny dogs so get exercise in garden. To loss your soul mate on holiday must be awful and I can’t imagine what the journey home was like. Take care of yourself and just take each day as it comes xx


Honey, I lost my love a few days ago… I’m so sorry for your loss. I am living in hell, so I know how you feel. My baby was just 47…It’s just the worst pain and I fear there is no cure… feel free to keep in touch, I have just joined, but everyone of us are all devastated, just hoping we can help each other…:heart:


Thank you Misprint and Dottie I’m grateful for your replies , everything is so raw and will probably be for ages x


I lost the love of my life 6 weeks ago yesterday
He collapsed with a catastrophic brain stem bleed,
He passed away 2 days later. I spoke to him 10 minutes before it happened. Last thing we said to each other was I love you.
I’m devastated broken and feel so alone.
He was only 47

I can relate to everything everyone posts


Hi @russellsmrs, welcome to the Community. I am so sorry for your loss.

It’s important to take one day at a time and be kind to yourself. I think you could benefit from registering with our recently-launched Grief Self-Help Service especially in these early days when things are so raw. It has some really useful information to help you cope with what you are going through right now.

Another good place to get support is Cruse Bereavement. They offer a helpline, email support, counselling and support groups through their local services. Contact them on 0808 808 1677, or via their website

Please remember Samaritans are always available 24/7 to talk about anything that you are worried about in confidence. You can call them on 116 123.

I do hope you find our community helpful. Keep reaching out and please know that we’re here for you.

Take care,


Online Community team

So today matks a month since daves heart attack and I’ve done a stupid thing of thinking a bottle of vodka will help, sat here in tears knowing that I’m torturing my kids when I should be the adult


Hi milomurphy it’s so very hard mate but you will get though this please try not to go down that route my brother does the same since losing his wife in April I’m so worried about his drinking (as if I haven’t enough to worry about myself) he’s drink litres of whisky a day .
I’m sure Dave wouldn’t want you taking that path and really it doesn’t help please take care sending you a BIG HUG xxx

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I had one vodka and realised why I stopped drinking, I’m at the GPS tonight so I’m going to ask about counselling, thank you for taking the time to support me it’s appreciated x