Double grief

So six months ago my gorgeous husband of 24 years passed away he was my rock my soul mate unfortunately we couldn’t have children so was completely on my own trying my best to cope with my grief. 3 months ago a fb friend of my husband and me met up he d been to school with my husband so so although they were friends it was only in passing like school pubs etc, so we met up as he saw something I put on fb as a cry out of loneliness and I suppose ig was he took me for runs out in his car putting a smile back on my face and making me laugh although not quite in a relationship we became very close sharing hugs cuddles and more I started to develop feelings for him but we were taking things slowly as I was still grieving my husband. Unfortunately 3 weeks ago my friend went to a funeral and he caught a heavy cold that put him in bed he had to be careful as he had heart problems unfortunately this cold turned to covid and sadly on Friday night he passed away so here I am double grieving I cannot stop crying forcing myself to eat and cant stop looking at photos I have of him


Oh Vonney, how very sad and it’s no wonder that you are crying, I can’t imagine anything more heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are being sent out to you along with big hugs, I just wish I could come and be with you.
If there is anything good to come from the past months, it’s the fact that you know in time you will be able to smile again and find some happiness. Take your time and take care of yourself, it’s to easy not to bother or even make any effort at looking after yourself but you must. S xxx

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Very sorry for your doubly painful situation! Sending you hugs!