Down in the Dumps

Thank you for your kind response Annette99. I am going through a setback, a series of “bad” days, part of the grief process I know. Most people outside of this forum do not understand this, and it makes it harder to try and hide how I feel. Being able to write it out here does help, and I am so grateful for the support I receive. I am so sorry for your loss, 9 months on (8 for me). I wish you better days as well. Take care. Xxx Sister2

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Thank you Edwin, These dark days are more frequent lately, and I just needed to scream it out. I know the good people on this site hear me, as I do them. I am so sorry to hear that your beloved wife lost her entire family. How difficult that must have been for her to endure so many losses. I am sure she found loving support from you through those painful times. I have a small family, and lost all but one, but that one is not close or supportive, so I might as well be alone. This is a lonely road. Take care. Sister2