Dreading Christmas

I lost my partner of 10 years suddenly in July,still waiting for inquest and cause of death,I’m absolutely dreading Christmas, I struggle to get through a normal day never mind Christmas! I’m so list without him and really don’t want want to be here at all and if it wasn’t for my children I wouldn’t be. I know I have to do it for my kids but my heart isn’t in it,it’s in to much pain :broken_heart::sob:


Sending hugs , time does help a little . Lost my husband in December last year Christmas will be so hard as it was on the 20th and so close to Christmas it was a blur, took the Dec’s down boxing day .I’ve been where you are still totally lost without him and think about him everyday and talk to him but I’m in a better place than I was ,also got to keep going for my family. The pain is still there


Sending lots of love to you hun,you’re amazing for getting this far.i have come too close to giving up a few times,I can’t think about tomorrow let alone Christmas but I’m going through the motions,buying gifts,etc. The Dec’s are out but I can’t face putting them up


Hi, I lost my youngest son 19 years ago, and my partner of 12 years, last year, Xmas last year I was so unwell, I remember just having a bowl of cornflakes and spending the days in bed, I wish it was just all over, it’s the saddest time of the year for me, my eldest son has a new family, I cannot be with them, as I don’t drive, and putting on a happy face is just so tiring, and false, getting taxis is so dear, and coming back to a empty house, heartbreaking, I dislike all the Christmas adverts which show everyone smiling, happy, huge tables of food, the shops get so full of people, the buses get packed, it’s a nightmare, I wish I could hibernate until Spring, every day is hard without my son, and soulmate, but dark days, wet and windy, loneliness, makes it all unbearable.


I’m so sorry for your losses,I don’t know how you are coping. I’m with you on all of that,hate hate hate it all. Christmas was my favourite time of year before this year,now I don’t want any part of it,I just want to shut myself away and forget its happening but I can’t because of our children. My heart is breaking every second of every day :broken_heart:


Last year was my first Christmas without my partner and I think I got. Through it cos I was numb.
This year been ill so much with viruses, probably at rock bottom
Like many of u I wanted to give up but I am trying to go through the motions of presents, cards etc . Ime sure for all of us time will heal us.
Do best u can we are all in it together …