Dreading christmas

Is it wrong to not want to send Christmas cards this year. Lost my husband in May still finding it hard.
Not wanting Christmas just want to hide away. Have already received cards . But the thought of writing cards to send with just my name on ,just makes me cry, as it was husbands job to write the cards.


Hello Gillian,no its not wrong to not send Christmas cards, you must do what feels right for you.
I lost my devoted partner 3 years ago and these recent Christmases had no meaning for me, in fact i loath Christmas,but i do go by the pretense that i’m coping but underneath i am hurting.
Thinking of you.


I lost my husband 16 weeks ago and didn’t know what to do about Christmas cards. I didn’t want to write them so I have done cards with a photo of my husband and a snowman on the front and had them pre printed inside. The photo was one we used for cards once before (although we hand wrote them). I wanted to make sure friends and family dont forget him because they are already mentioning him less and less but I can’t yet bring myself to sit down and write the envelopes as even that hurts too much!


Gillian 2021
Its 20 months for me since losing the love of my life and I didn’t send cards or speak to anyone and this year fir me will be the same . I have never tried to please anyone by saying I’m ok and pretend to be ok . I think people should understand and if they don’t then it’s up to them . But everyone is different but you shouldn’t do anything your not comfortable with your the one going through this disaster not them . I’m so sorry for your loss and you find yourself on here I know I never dreamed of any of this torture.
Sending hugs to you take care xx


I’m going to my sister and if I cry I cry. Holding all our emotions in does not help they will understand x


I lost my husband 13th July but today I posted all the Christmas cards I would have done last night writing them seemed like some sort of normal. We are all different we do what is best for us


Hello Gillian
There’s no right or wrong as we all deal with things differently. You have to to what feels right for you an no one else. Please don’t feel any pressure to send cards

I am not sending or wanting to receive cards so I told friends, family & neighbours in November. They understood, most people will.

My husband passed suddenly and unexpectedly 6 mth ago and I’m dreading Christmas so I’ve had to take control of what I do and what I expose myself to for self preservation.

It’s ever so sad as we both loved Christmas, me especially and now every aspect I’d normally embrace I try to avoid. It’s crap.

Sending caring thoughts to all facing Christmas dilemmas x


I have said to everyone on social media, I’m not sending cards but have donated to Cirnwall Air Ambulance as they along with 2 Ambo crew and rapid response all turned up for my husband , unfortunately too late, hus funeral service raised just over £500 for them xx


It’s lovely you donated to Charity @Cazrix and what a huge amount raised.
My husbands collection at his funeral raised nearly £500 for the British Heart Foundation.
In lieu of cards I chose a charity local to me, The Red Sky Foundation, who place defibrillators in the local community amongst other things x

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@Gillian2021 I’m the same. My darling Sharon passed in May; I was expecting her home from the hospital on Christmas Eve as I was at home preparing dinner for the next day, but instead she called to say the doctors had given her 3-4 days to live. I never left her side from then. Christmas Morning she was taken in an ambulance to a hospice, and I stayed by her bedside as she carried on for 5 months.
So Christmas for me is utterly devastating. I’m not doing a tree (Sharon always used to decorate it while I watched), no decorations and no cards. If anyone sends me a stupid card saying gave a Merry Christmas I’ll bin it.

@Rhody Yes, I’m the same, I couldn’t do cards; my darling Sharon always did this, she had her system and I couldn’t bear to look, let alone sign cards from only me.

@Janeets Yes, this is my first, but Christmas for me will always be being told my darling sweetest Sharon had only 3-4 days to live, and going with her into the hospice on Christmas Morning…

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@JlovesR Yes agreed, anyone who sends me a card clearly doesn’t know me at all…

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I’m so so sorry for your loss I know exactly what you mean my darling went on Easter Sunday so Easter is the worst for me … every day and every holiday is the same nothing can ever be the same again .
Sending hugs to you

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@Cazrix that’s a good idea. I arranged 15k of donations to the hospice which took Sharon (and me) in on Christmas Morning last year. Stayed in there by my soul mate’s side 24/7 for 5 months, those nurses and carers are stars…

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