
I don’t know if this makes me feel better or not… my Dad & brother both died as a result of a house fire in April… it’s been so very hard to cope with but I have had numerous dreams about them… I dream about my Dad a lot & I find it such a comfort as it’s like he’s still alive when I dream… I also dream about my brother as a little boy when we were young… laughing & mischievous… then I wake up to reality. Do you all experience this & how does it make you feel? x

Hello Arabella. How terrible to lose them both in such a tragic way. I am so sorry.

Your dreams sound good but I can understand your confusion of whether they make you feel better or not. I wish I could dream about my husband but the truth is I can’t even see his face. I never seem to dream or if I do then I don’t remember them.

Sending love x

Thank you Kate for your reply. I love dreaming about them… it’s like going back in time to such happier days…before the tragedy… and I always remember my dreams too. I think it is a comfort actually. I can see my Dad’s face so clearly in my mind thank goodness… and I hope I always will. Really struggled last week big time… had to visit my Dad’s house to see how the repairs were going after the fire… so hard going to my family home & Dad not being there… just seems so wrong & all our family belongings & memories gone.

Hi arabella that’s so sad what’s happened . I dream about my dad who I lost 2 years ago and also my partner who I lost in May at first it upset me because I so wanted them back. Now it’s a bit of a comfort because the dreams seem so real i can see and hear them.
Take care
Christine x

So sorry for your losses Christine… I know how difficult it is. Yes… dreaming is a comfort… definitely… gives you those brief moments of having them back … always feel down when I wake up from those dreams though. Take care too Christine x

Dear Kate… I wish you could dream about your husband & remember… you’ll see his face then… it’s such a comfort… bit sad too though.
Love & hugs xx

Thank you Arabella xx

Instead of dreams i keep having nightmares last night was the worse woke up 3 times crying, screaming.when will it fet better? My husbsnd, best friend died on the 22nd november the funeral is this thursday, im in bits and dont know how to carry on xx

I had one or two nightmares in the first few weeks and my youngest daughter said she had as well. I seem to have settled down now and sleep better. It’s not that surprising as it’s probably result of overactive mind and grieving. You will eventually learn to cope with the simplest of things but I think it will take for ever to get to managing your grief. I expect to grieve for ever.

Thank you for your kind words.everything is so raw at the moment, we spend every minute together.

So sorry for your double loss. What a massive blow.
I haven’t dreamed about my daughter yet. She died 14 weeks ago. I should like to.
I would say take comfort if you can. Anything that helps is a great bonus.
Take care. X

Sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter, i cant imagine what its like to lose a child.hope you are are doing ok, take care xx