Dreams and sightings.

Hello everyone.
As some of you may know my darling husband passed away in June. Together for 50 years married for 49. Like all of you I feel only half a person and cry every day.
I have had quite a few ‘sightings’ since he passed. Dragon flies flying around when I had never seen them before, A butterfly that came into the church after we had laid his ashes to rest and a robin who visits most days while I am sitting chatting to Ron over my morning coffee in our summerhouse which we had built in April and which was his ‘happy place’.
Lots of things have been going wrong these past few weeks, gutters blocked and overflowing, leaking radiators which caused flooding and then 2 weeks ago a gas leak which has resulted in gas being shut off so no heating or hot water. I was feeling at rock bottom.
I dont sleep very well but when I do I have the most wierdest and vivid dreams and can always remember them.
This morning I awoke from a dream and I dreamt my darling Ron was giving me the biggest cuddle ever. He gave wonderful cuddles which I miss so much.
I dont know if its my mind playing games with me or if he was really visiting me. I do know that today I feel really peaceful.
I will proberly be back to square one tomorrow crying and missing him like hell but I will try and enjoy today at least.
I hope you all find some peace at this stressing time of the year. My first without him.
Sending hugs to all that need them and best wishes.
Ann xx


Hi @AnnieG1 Ann
Like yourself my husband passed away in June suddenly unexpectedly.
We were together 37 years married 35 and i had my 36 one in August without him here. :broken_heart:
My husband loved gardening and growing plants veg and fruit :heart: i just enjoyed the produce. Not a gardener he was out all day and nights just stopping for coffee chat lunch and dinner. I hope i can get into looking after things later i still have to tidy out greenhouse. I took out produce and gave to neighbours and food bank as i had so much.
Like you things started to go wrong leak in garage roof door stuck had to force lock.
My husbands workmate who was at funeral suddenly passed away unexpectedly 2 weeks ago aged 66 funeral this week.
My mum having nasty fall hyperthermia after wandering in street (she has alzheimers) so now having to look at care home and then sell her house to pay for it.
I’m sure i am being tested as my own health is suffering. I am still going through my own loss and anxiety problems relating to this.
Anyway hope it is going to get better as dont think i can handle any more stress.
Today i plan to chill watch tv maybe get to greenhouse if the rain stops here.
Take care
Lynne Xx


@Galaxy75 We both loved gardening and have quite a large garden but I havnt been able to do anything out there yet. I know I will when the better weather comes but just havnt the heart to do anything yet and my ailments arnt letting me do much anyway. Sorry to hear about your Mum and I hope you get things sorted soon. We just dont need all the extra stress, do we. We are certainly being tested to our limits.
Take care, Ann xx