
Morning all, here I am again early morning with my thoughts, I wake at this time every day can’t get past 4:30. I’ve just had a dream with Christine present, a strange dream but at least she was there.
I’ve had 4 visits in dreams in the 11 weeks since Christine passed which I’m glad for and sit replaying them in my mind over and over so I won’t forget them and thought write them down, so that is what I am going to do after this post.
This post is just me getting it off my chest because I knew you lovely people on here will be supportive and come back with kind words, it’s good to be able to post and share with you all. X


I can’t get much past 3 a.m. and don’t have any decent sleep before then. I don’t seem to dream. I wish I could. I am permanently exhausted. Going back to bed just in the hope to doze for an hour. Xx.


I used to wake at 3am every morning for a long time. Now I sleep all night, mostly. I don’t dream much, if I do I don’t remember. Think I’ve had one bad dream and a couple odd dreams but nothing I can recall otherwise. I look forward to when I do!


The problem is the days are soooo long. I dread the shorter days when it will seem like permanent darkness


I have a casual job at a day centre for aged and dementia, this is where Christine worked and I was supposed to be working alongside her at the centre. The clients fondly remember Christine and we talk about her a lot which helps both sides, I feel her presence there which gives me great comfort and feels like I’m spending some of my days with Christine xx


@Braztash56 I am 18 weeks on this journey & recently I’ve been dreaming about my husband a lot. I wondered if this was a stage of grief? The dreams are mixed, sometimes he’s in the background, sometimes he’s rescuing me from something and once I was being really mean to him. Oh how guilty I felt when I woke up🥲. Would be interesting to know if others have gone through a phase like this. Take care.

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I lost my husband seven months ago and I had a very vivid dream about him about a month afterwards. In the dream I was looking through a window and saw him running down the street. I rushed down to meet him and we hugged. His mobility had been gradually getting worse and he used a wheelchair. In the dream there was a wheelchair by my side which he clearly didn’t need. It gave me great comfort to see him mobile again. I can remember every bit of the dream but haven’t had any since.


I don’t think I sleep well enough to dream. I seem to wake every 2 hours. I am feeling teary today. Had a first meal I actually enjoyed last night. My neighbour brought me back salad from town and I really enjoyed it but this morning I am really hungry. I have just had my cereal. Xx


I was so upset that I couldn’t dream about Christine at first and other people were, I felt I’d done something wrong xx

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I was very emotional when I woke up on Wednesday and didn’t feel like moving xx

How lovely x

@Braztash56 it’s only been very recently I’ve been dreaming about my husband. Sometimes it’s like the old days and we are enjoying life. That’s heartbreaking when I wake and realise he’s not really here. Not sure it’s necessarily a good thing.


It shows he’s with you and take it positively and thrive on the energy he’s bringing you. X

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@Braztash56 such kind words. Thank you.

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