
Hi, I had a very strange sad but also nice dream last night about my brother who passed nearly a year ago.
I was in my house with my husband and sister and my brother walked in the door and said, oh I hear you have been looking for me and thought I was dead, I couldn’t believe it, I gave him such a big hug , he said he had a brain operation and couldn’t get in touch, it was so strange as it all made sense in the dream, but he passed away by a stroke, it was all so strange and was so nice that I had my brother back and was so happy, then I woke and realised it was a dream and now so upset again. I don’t know why I had this dream ,has anyone else had similar dreams and how do you cope with them?

Hi jenny8- I’ve had a few dreams with my son patting my arm and holding my hand but one I had was of him as if he was really here- came in my backdoor late at night- I ran downstairs- he sat on the settee and chatted with me then he said I’m going upstairs now to his room. He looked his usual smart , handsome self. I was absolutely distraught when I woke up as I thought he was in his bedroom. I would still rather have these dreams than not as I believe he’s letting me know he’s alright and I feel his presence more. There’s definitely something more beyond than what we currently know and that gjves me hope and comfort but that’s just my view- everyone is different xx

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Jas Thank you for yr reply. Its the first dream i have had of him since he passed, its coming up a year next month, i hope there is more after life, i feel i get the odd sign he is ok byt broke my heart when i woke up ,but do feel like i have given him a big hug, sorry for the loss of your son x

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My husband used to dream of his father repeatedly, the same dream
after he died from cancer. Their relationship wasn’t simple,
part of him still cursed his father til the end I think,
(oh my husband is gone too.a month ago, that’s why I’m here)
As his feeling toward his father was so complicated and intense, he hardly expressed his feelings.

And then he dreamt this same dream all the time.
“Actually he didn’t have cancer and it’s all ok, he is not dead.”
I had the feeling that my husband found it a little confusing,
but the fact that he could talk about it to me,
I sensed there was presence of - acceptance and love.
Something peaceful anyway.
I was happy for both of them-although I didn’t say anything.

I haven’t dreamt of my husband yet,except once, briefly.
Maybe he has not settled yet.

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To be honest i thought i was loosing my mind its comforting to know other people have the same dreams iam sorry for your loss x

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I had a similar dream when my dad passed…I was so sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye…he came to me in a dream, walked into our kitchen and said I came to say goodbye and you know I can’t stay, right? I’m okay and love you. And then he walked back out… It gave me a lot of comfort and he has continued to visit me in dreams… sometimes the love we have with a close one is so strong that the bond can’t be severed even in death…
I just lost my sister to cancer, my Irish twin, and to honor that love I try to step forward every day remembering that love and maybe make the world a better place


I wish I could dream of all my family that I have lost, I use to dream of my dad all the time, was a very sad dream as he was always asking me to help him, he passed over 40 years ago now so only dream of him now and then, have only had the one dream of my brother, it’s just coming up to a year, iam glad you find comfort in your dreams

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