Driving lessons

Hooray! I have had my last ‘Refresher Driving Lesson’, after not having driven on a road for 16 years. My driving instructor said that I am ‘Safe’.
She wouldn’t have said that if she had seen me throwing perfectly good underwear and nightdresses into the bin, whilst muttering to myself. Or when I was insanely trying to undo rusted screws with a nail file, shouting at him because I couldn’t find a screwdriver, or when I superglued my IPad to the kitchen table.
I could go on, the list of my screw-ups is endless.


Hi @Willow112 well done you. Now you will be able to drive with confidence. You made me smile with some of the things you said you have done. Hugs.X

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You make us all laugh @Willow112
It’s good to laugh

I know you’re suffering as we all are.
But you’re coping so well.

Thanks for making us laugh

Liz x x

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Ah… well I’m reading that you give things a go to sort them out & you’ve made a brave step to get yourself behind the wheel again.

Well done you. :clap: