Election night

My husband loved to watch the results of all the votes as they came in on the tv and would stay up into the wee small hours.
So I am sitting here in his memory watching BBC Scotlands coverage.
It’s a bit dull at the moment and I’m sorry to say I think I will be asleep long before you would have been my darling.
Hopefully you will be watching it where you are and enjoying the old regulars and their chat. :heart:


Oh i am sure he us watching. My husband was a soccer fan, manchester united was his team. A couple of days after he died they played city in the f a cup final. They hardly had a win all season and miraculously they won. Haha i tell everyone its because they had an extra on their team lol


Yes election was triggering for me too.
We used to work on the election. My husband was the presiding officer and I was the poll clerk.
All day I was remembering all those times. We had to get up very early and arrive home very late. We were shattered and then I would watch the results.
My husband would have been amazed that there has been a change where we live after 100 years! He used to say waste of a vote but it wasn’t.

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Election night always brings back sad and happy memories
I remember back in the 80s my dad deciding to stand as a candidate for Labour he became a councillor for several years. This was back in the day when the parties would knock on doors but not like today. They presume they’ll get our votes. My dad became the sheriff and Lord Mayor of where I live. I used to joke that my dad is selling out to the establishment but I was so god dam proud of him. He’s still here today and my mum who I lost 8 years ago was my dad’s First Lady if you like. My mum would have made an excellent lady mayoress she loved that year when my dad was in office. Later on Labour who to this day are nothing but middle class twits decided to get rid of my dad to stop him from standing again because he was own man with his own working class beliefs they didn’t like it.
We still voter Labour while we wait for a party that truly represents working class people to come along.
Sadly this Labour government is going to once again let us all down.
Election night holds memories of my parents fighting for what they believe in


My husband became a parish councillor when he retired but he soon got disillusioned with and gave it up over serving one term.
His name is still on line because he once did it though.
I used to wish he would have spent more time going on some nice holidays before his health prevented it.

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Well that makes me feel better, my David was very interested in politics and we would have been having lots of discusions about it all. I thought i was odd to feel sad about him missing it, now i know i am ok x

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My husband’s name was David too what a coincidence.
Yes he would have been very surprised at historical change. People just waking up to it round here locally that it is yellow in the South.
Was always blue. Think because so many new houses and peole moved a lot older ones dying off and younger people want different.

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The country or dare I say the whole world or at least the western world need a big change, money is prioritised before human beings, yes companies etc need money but the profits now ( for the shareholders) are obscene. In my opinion and certainly in David’s, it is a sinful world now. ( we are not religious but the word seems to match) x

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My David would have been sounding off about
his opinions which I actually didn’t agree with. I can just hear what he would say. Could write a play about it. He had this idea I should. Was odd not seeing his name on voting blurb comes in post to try to influence.
Odd filling in my own postal vote and posting it.
He used to read small writing for me as his eyes were better.
Now everything up to me.

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Yes it is awful for us, many things they did, just really simple things. It upsets me all over again when I have to do what would have been his job, it brings it all back anew and the tears fall.
I guess a positive way of looking at it is that we are learning new skills, even though we didn’t want to.

Yes in time get used to doing what he did. He always got shopping now second nature. There’s a lovely friendly cat always
sits by my husband’s grave so makes it better to go if he is there to fuss.

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