
I have just recently lost my dad.
My Dad passed away on 10th Dec after a fall he required an operation to his hip in hospital. He just didn’t come around from the anesthetic.( the whole family was with him as he took his last breath)
This last 6wks is a blur- my life has been in turmoil. One day has rolled into another.
I stayed at my Mums house and provided emotional and practical support to my Mum. Overwhelmed by funeral & paperwork. My sleep pattern was out the window.

My younger sister went into A&E on Xmas day with lower back pain which has been effecting her mobility and was told on Boxing day that her breast cancer has returned into her spine in a few areas. We agreed that Mum was not strong enough to deal with another blow so soon. My own self has struggled to accept another shock to the system.

We had the funeral last week. 6 weeks gone and ive finally returned home.

My whole life feels as if it is crashing around me!
Ive had no time to think about me!
My mum is struggling- My sister has already had 5 sessions of radiotherapy and in excruciating pain and on top of that my Dad has gone and ive just been told that the ashes of my dad will be handed back over to my mum on friday! I will need to be there to accept them as my mum is in no fit state to manage that.

Where do 'I’even start… My heart is broken, Ive and had no time to grieve for my dad, my sister may have terminal cancer and my mum is falling to bits at the seams and ‘I’ am going to receive my Dad back to me in a pot - im empty- im numb - im broken. How do i pick myself up and carry on - i need to go back to work but i feel like my brain is empty!

Sorry for my rant! :mending_heart::broken_heart:


Hello @Teeny

I just wanted to offer my wishes and support. I saw your message and feel very sad for you.

I feel very simular. I lost my mum 9 weeks ago and my dad suddenly died on Friday. I’m numb, broken and hurting so much. I can’t comprehend how the world continues to turn without them. I miss them so much.

I hope your sister can access successful treatment and get back to some kind of health. Sending prayers.

Keep posting and letting it out. Best wishes, Rob x

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Awww thank you Rob!

There is so much grief on this site… I am so, so sorry to read of your heart felt devastation.
Both parents gone within weeks of each other! Bless you :pray::broken_heart: I hope you can find some sort of peace…

Thank you for offering me your support at your own sadest time!:mending_heart::kissing_heart:

All I’ve been feeling is that ive just lost my Dad, my sisters results are not looking good and my mum will be following behind with a broken heart when she hears of my sisters news - she is already distort.
All I can see is a massive dark hole of negative feelings. :face_with_peeking_eye::mending_heart: