
How do you fill the emptiness that you feel .
I feel I am going through life now ,just going through the motions ,and i feel so empty .
You shut the door and the house is empty.
There seems to be no richness in life ,everything is just grey.
I am trying but nothing seems to help .
Sorry to be miserable must be the rain .


Sorry for your loss. Please dont apologise what you feel is normal something all on this forum are going through. Early days for you so just take each day as it comes some will be better than others but we never feel the same as before. My life is just in two halfs now before death and after. I expect you had so many plans of what you was going to do together as you got older i know i did now i just count the days down till we’re together again. Keep posting on here as we know what your going through .

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I lost my lovely husband 8 months ago and you have just described how I feel , some days are better than others but I miss him and the life we had so much, I do try and take one day at a time and if I have a really down day it normally passes by next day just keep trying to plan small things to keep me going, hope your ok x

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I agree the emptiness is awful, I feel it more inside me than in the house, I still feel it when I am out somewhere. It is more of a life is pointless feeling.
I am starting to have some good days now, today I went for a lovely walk with my sister and I was sad because David wasn’t there but he would want me to move on and do things he thought of life as precious and he would be cross with me if I just gave up. I talk to him a lot in my head when others are there and out loud when I am alone. Just telling him about a lovely flower or tree or telling him that Labour won the election just snippets not full blown conversation’s but it keeps me connected to him. i still utterly hate the waking moments when it hits home again and I often cry then but I find if I make a plan the day before it is easier to get up and make myself get on. I do find that leaving the radio on helps too, it stops the absolute hush that we don’t want right now.


Thank you ,its just so hard .
I wouldnt mind so much if i wasnt trying so hard .
I am just so alone now ,nothing is the same.
I think im just having a low moment .
Will try again in the morning xx


I am back in work and I feel this helps I sometimes cry on the way there but once there I put my brave face on and it does help a lot I think if I was at home more I would find it very hard , have a good day x

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You have described how I feel.

Rose xx

Lost my husband suddenly 9 months ago
I have similar feelings more so in the middle of the night or when the house is empty. I sometimes feel so alone despite having wonderful supportive family, friends and Church friends and end up beating myself up about it.

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