Empty house

I have my husbands ashes in an urn his side of the bed , I am 56, in Devon but from Liverpool , I would like my ashes to “Go home “ a long with my husbands I want us to go together , so he may have along wait ! But looks like he will have to wait for me, then we to Liverpool together , whenever that is ?? X


Im the same Danny’s ashes are in our summerhouse in a blue everton coloured urn there staying there till i die and ive told my girls i want them mixing and scattered xx


I couldn’t do that I need a focal point,after my wife’s cremation I purchased a double ashes plot in our local cemetery with a headstone,she’s been interned in a casket waiting for me to follow,I guess each to their own,good luck love.


We “think” the same on a lot of things don’t we Deb,! wish it wasn’t this subject! but sadly it is, and for a Liverpool fan, Nicks ashes are in a Blue urn, because I know he would of liked it with the tree of life on it x

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My husband passed away in April, i have his Ashes in the box room, he was a big Manchester City fan, & on the door he had a sign Manchester City Managers Office, all his memorabilia is still has he left it & will stay like that. I bought a keepsake locket to put some of his Ashes in ,so he is with me were ever i go., also i have one with a small amount of his aftershave in.


Ive still got Danny’s aftershave in the bathroom now and again i give them a squirt it still reminds me of him ive asked my girls for a bracelet for xmas with his ashes in and i wear his wedding ring and his chain makes me feel a bit closer to him


Here we go again,! I put the aftershave on the percy pig toy on the bed! and today I see they do charms that fit pandora with ashes so I ordered one today, as Nick always bought me charms for pandora, and I wear his wedding ring around my neck on chain as he had sausage fingers so its like a hoola hoop !


I ordered a necklace and a ring plus a love heart with a lock of his hair i should get them soon. I havent got his ashes yet but like yourselfs i want them to be mixed together when anything happens to me xcc


Nicks Mum passed away last August , his Dad 24 years ago , they mixed their ashes together for Nick to scatter , he was going to do it the week he died so he never got to do it , but his son did it for him .


Yes the wedding ring is massive around my neck but i keep touching it all the time will never take my wedding ring off don’t think i could anyway ha ha and ino my girls will get me a lovely bracelet woth his ashes the rest of them in the summerhouse where it was our happy place talking listening to music and maybe a glass or two


Yea my rings are still on and staying on , I actually wore a wedding ring with him before we got married , think they are welded to my finger !


So are mine


So are mine xx


I looked at Pandora Ashes charms, but didn’t like the ones I saw, I have Pandora braclet, so I bought the pandora necklace & found a charm on another site, ,it’s heart shaped with a small gold heart that says Husband, & an inscription that says : No longer by my side, but forever in my heart: I took it to have Peter 1956-2024 on the back. I also have a bangle he bought me it says


I have two bracelets from a company called Inscripture they engrave handwriting onto a heart .I uploaded Peter’s handwriting from a card he sent me they are beautiful and make him feel closer to me I never take them off,and read the loving message many times a day.


I scattered husbands ashes very quickly after collecting them. Easter weekend year ago. He wanted to be thrown into the sea so we waited for high tide and threw him into The Wash. It was torrential rain the banks were muddy and we got drenched. My son said I think dads having the last laugh just look at us… what a sight.
It’s very personal how long we keep ashes and what we do with them. My husband was bilateral amputee hoisted in wheelchair for 5 years limiting his activities and I felt this was total freedom to be taken out on the tide to his happy place. His body was just an empty vessel so wasn’t needed.

my husbands ashes are in summerhouse and we decided whoever went first we wanted our ashes mixed and then scattered in our happy place my girls know where theyre to go my girls are buying me a bracelet for xmas with some of his ashes in them everybody has different ideas and i feel all very personal and whatever makes us feel what’s best for us hope everyone has a maybe not good but a day that’s ok and enjoy the nice weather

Debbie x

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It’s the little things i miss like if I m not feeling great when I get up my husband would say sit down and don’t do anything. I used to hate mornings. The dog doesn’t know when I m feeling down.