End of an era

Well that’s it,probate certificate arrived and duly sent off,my wife’s existence wiped clean except for her name in some books or scraps of paper that probably no-one will ever read,realisation has really hit home today.


Sending hugs and understanding x x

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@Ron11 Your wife, her name, her existence haven’t been wiped clean because you’ll forever hold her memory… she will always be with you in some way x


She’ll always be in your heart. And nobody’s existence is ever wiped clean; she will always exist in school records, databases, photographs, and many different places, as well as in the memories of all those who knew her. Everyone who lives changes the world a little by their existence. But I know what you mean, and final things like probate are very hard to take. Sending sympathy.


Hi Cathrin thank you,that’s my point,those records,databases etc will probably just end up forgotten in dusty lofts basements etc,even family and friends will probably only view her pics if she is part of a larger group or event,I think the partners are the only ones keeping that candle lit.hope we all find some peace.Ron.


Morning Ron she will live on in your heart and the people who mattered to you both. I never want Gra to be forgotten he touched so many people lives in different ways . Xx


I have just got back from the cemetery where my Joans ashes are buried in a family grave, my ultimate purpose in life is for my ashes to be with hers when I go, once this is done our remains will be together forever, and the world, and everything in it can take a flying f!!!
In the meantime I am trying to make some kind of life for myself without her.
Best wishes mate.


Aww bless you bootsie she would like you to carry on. She will be watching over you. I hope thats true xx

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Cheers mate you have just echoed my exact wishes too,all the very best.

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Hi bootsie .Just read your post and it rang a massive bell eith me of how i feel at the moment! My Anne passed 2 years ago this September and the pain this year is far , far worst than the first year. Everybody i know, friends and family seems to have moved on and i feel im burdened with the total pain of this day in day out. I had Annes ashes buried in a loverly spot on a natural burial ground and my plot is next to her and its loverly to visit. Life now is a total new chapter after 50 wonderful years and its not a very nice chapter! Still we will motor on until we meet again. God bless


I’m into the second year of this,and it’s feeling much worse than the first year .I have read the second year is harder everyone has moved on and expected you to have done too.The numbness has worn off harsh reality has kicked in and you realise how alone you are.I’m at a stage now telling myself not to expect anything off anyone there’s only me can make it easier.