Evening again

Lost my husband just over 2 weeks ago. I have an appointment with the FD this week. My adult children are coming with me. I HATE the evenings. I can just about drag myself through the daytime but then evening comes around and the whole hopeless, permanent situation overwhelms me and I cannot cope with years ahead without him! I just can’t cope and the pain and feeling of loss is truly unbearable. How do I get through this?


Hi, I am sorry that you have lost your beloved husband and are feeling the total bewildering feelings that follow. I lost my husband at the end of June this year and like you I felt total despair, fear, loneliness … every emotion one can list.
My FD recommended that I have a memory bear made from my husbands favourite items of clothing and his fingerprint made into a piece of jewellery that is indented so that I can put my ring finger close to his. Both sounded bizarre at the time but now I am so pleased I did this as my bear goes everywhere with me and every time I want to be close I place my ring finger into his and both are so comforting. I don’t have any family support but I do have 2 things that have got me through the last 5 months
Sending you my best wishes as you cope with your grief