Everyday troubles

My husband was killed just before Christmas so I wasn’t expecting it and I still barely believe it. My husband treated me so well that now just doing all the things he did like the bins, bills, car stuff diy is all beyond me. I’m gradually relearning putting petrol, windscreen wash in the car etc But this week after never having caused an issue for over 20 years the garage door stuck half open and nothing would budge it. My neighbour tried to help but nothing could be done. It completely broke me. I didn’t know what to do, I already felt vulnerable because I’m now on my own and now the garage is open and anyone can walk into the house. The next day I did manage to get it fixed now but it just brought it home how lonely isolated and useless I feel on top of my terrible grief


I am so sorry for your loss. I can totally resonate with what you are going through. My husband used to do everything from bins, bills, car, diy and beyond so you really are not alone please be assured. Things that have kept happening to me since he passed away, carbon monoxide detector went off in the middle of the night, fuse blown when I turned the light on, my car had a flat tire while I was at the cemetery in the middle of nowhere alone - and more!
I am completely lost and helpless these days and some days it gets to the point that I just can’t function.
Life without our love ones are sad, empty and lonely and nothing we can do about it but to keep going and hope and pray that it will get better someday :pray::pray::pray:
Please take good care of yourself x


@TearyWidow i can so sympathise.

My neighbour uses our garage for her mobility scooter. She phoned to say she’d lost the remote. Roger would have know exactly what to do, how to get a new one and how to program it. I haven’t a clue and because of that I’m cross with a 92 year old lady for losing it in the first place ….


And then you feel bad and guilty as if we haven’t got enough to deal with


I hope it gets better but it’s all stuff that I don’t want to know about. I’m having to change cars because this one we have is too expensive and dealing with car salesmen as a clueless woman I may as well handed over my bank card.


I can identify with that too! Our car is 18 years old so I am now very conscious about my safety as being a woman, alone so I’ve had a couple of dealings with car salesmen it was a bit daunting at first but I just went with my gut so it was alright in the end. Please don’t give up - we sometimes are more capable than we give ourselves credit for.
Take care x


Yes I’m sure you’re right I managed to operate before I met him. But I suppose I simply don’t want to do this stuff. As soon as I met my husband and he took over I was majorly relieved. But you’re right we’re not entirely helpless I suppose x

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Please take care x

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You too angel

Dont blame you ! Flipping heck ! We got enough on our damn minds … people !!! She needs to remember your capable husband is no longer here :frowning: perhaps remind her !!! Xx


Hello Tearywidow
My heart truly goes out to you
My husband was killed in a car crash 3 years ago.
I can fully relate to every word in your post.
You are not alone in your grief :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You poor thing. That mustve been awful for you :frowning: please keep sharing on here. People are so understanding xx

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