
Since coming on here days ago I’ve learnt I’m not alone.
I’m not only thinking of my wife I lost only but to you all out there going through it as well.
Stay strong everyone.
Sleep well if you can and good night


Hi @Terry01
Glad to hear, I have always found talking on this forum helpful to. As a therapy thing, something else I also find helps me to process when stressful or traumatic things happen, I write about them in storybook form, & the people in my life are characters in my story.


I write a daily journal without fail and it really helps me. I tell my son what I’ve been doing, how I fell etc. whatever works for us is a bonus I think. My partner is my support although it’s really hard at the moment as he lost his son in November, only 8 months apart from me loosing my son.


hi MJG i lost my son in october and my husband 28th december so i know how you both are feeling,please look after yourselves and take care xx


I am so sorry for both of your losses and the pain you are going through. All I can say is take each minute of the day as it comes, do what you feel you can and be kind and take care of yourself. I hope you have got some support.

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mjg i have no surport at all im doing it all by myself, my husband didnt want his family to know either when he died or his funeral, i promised i would do that and thats what i am doing, it is his wish and i will not go against it, i know i will get the backlash but that is what he wanted he is loved and missed very much by me where as the family only wanted to use and abuse him , i love him with all my heart


It’s so difficult and you are doing well, be proud of yourself. They always say you can choose your friends not your family. I’m glad you stuck with what your husband wanted it shows that you can be strong even though you may not feel it. Such a loss of your son and husband, no words ease the pain. Be kind to yourself x

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thank you MJGi am trying my best but it is so hard, just out of nowhere i cry and i cant stop once i start,i know i will get the backlash from not letting them know but i have never ever gone against Garys word and if he wants that they he shall have it and i will cope whatever is thrown at me because i love him xx


I think crying is a way of releasing tension. I had massive meltdown the other evening, even questioning as I call it that Friday, the police, the inquest which I’ve had. Feeling ok again. You just have to do what is right for you. I have over the months and removed a lot of people from my life including my best friend as so negative and draining on me. I feel so much better for doing it as well. Sounds harsh but I have to think about what I want, what is best for me.
Take care


i agree with you you have to take care of yourself, and you certainly dont want people around you that is so negative, positivity is what you want and loads of it you take care of yourself and im always here if you want to talk or let off steam xx

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Thank you and the same for you. Always having a good rant I think helps in a way. Take care xx


Terry, I have not long joined this group as I was finding it hard after loosing my brother suddenly, I have found this group really helpful, to listen to people that are going through the same as you, and just reading about what people are going through and knowing that we are not on our own, and that’s all what we are feeling is quite normal, I have lost parents a sister and now a brother , and loosing my brother has been the hardest,I think that is because it was very sudden and he was still quite young, and so many unanswered questions, all we can do is keep talking and helping each other out, take care

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This site is a life line to me, I can off load and be understood by people. Whatever our circumstances of our losses of loved ones it’s not easy


Yes me as well we are not alone

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I too think this site is a life line certainty has been for me to know we are not alone in our grieving and we can pour our hearts out