Everything going wrong

Feeling so depressed, everything is going wrong this year. Mum died in January in hospital and coroner asked for an inquest, maybe she needn’t have died. My cat had to have most of her teeth out due to an abscess which caused her face to swell and caused problems with her eye. Vet told me this morning that she has to have her eye out Monday. Don’t know if I can face anything else going wrong.


Realy sorry your having a hard time . It may seem a little thing but sending you strength and hope you find some peace very soon X

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Oh, poor kitty! But it - was - an abscess, that is something to hold on to. Maybe she will feel better after the operation too, if she has problems now from swelling. But I know, it’s still awful for her and the very last thing you as a petowner need when everything already is upside down. So sorry and sending hugs to you both. :heart:

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