EVERYTHING is so different

We met working at our local hospital and soon after going on a few dates we got engaged and lived together before we got married. We had two wonderful kids and now have two equally wonderful grandkids. Life was so rosey with so many plans.
September 1st 2020 and so suddenly without any prior warning WHAM!!! Rob was snatched away from us .
Now everything is so so different I wade through each day as best I can some are harder than others ,some days I don’t do anything just sit a remember fun times. My house used to be so full of life and always something going on the kids friends would be round or scooter lads as rob would tinker with their bikes whilst they had a quick mug of tea or coffee. In the evenings rob would twang on his ukulele, tv blurring out .
Now it’s just me and my dogs the house is totally the opposite end of the scale you can hear a pin drop . No kids no scooter lads , nothing happening at all now days .
It’s not just the house that’s changed I have I don’t laugh much I don’t go out much , I do go to work part time and the kids visit but it’s just not the same nothing is .


Your so right Kazzer nothing is the same now. My house is so quiet apart from my two chihuahuas. If it wasn’t for them I don’t think I could carry on. I’m feeling really low today. I’m 60 and my lifes over . I hate this different way of life. Will I ever feel like I was I doubt it how can I be without Jim.


Kazzer you have my heartfelt sympathy.
My life changed dramatically too when my husband died, I couldn’t believe that life could be so different. I stuck it out for 2.5 years and then couldn’t bear it any more so I sold up and moved out of the county. I left friends and family behind and when asked about it now I tell people that it was less painful to move than to stay. I couldn’t bear sleeping, eating and generally just being in what was our loving, welcoming home.
I know I have changed, I’ve had to to survive. Even the survival was a surprise as I didn’t expect to survive my husbands death and went as far as putting all my affairs in order.
The disbelief that we are on our own is beyond anything I have ever had to come to terms with.
I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone…not when you’re here. :two_hearts:



Misprint I’m 60 too and have three chihuahuas

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Blimey i thought two was hard work. They are good company

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Dear Kazzer, I get you totally, as we all do, we have lost part of us, I feel I’m not the same person any more, it’s a whole new life, a whole new chapter, without them In It, and it’s so hard to process.
Our house was always full, four children loud tv every tv in the house on, every light on, wee on the toilet seat, socks, pants on the floor, tv so loud you can’t here your self think. Now an empty house with two dogs and me, so quiet, you can hear your self think, and the thoughts are just awful, despair, sad, crazy.
children gone husband gone, where do we even start to try live, but we have to, we have to live otherwise we may as well be dead, our husbands/wives wouldn’t want us to not live, but it’s so hard doing it.
Maybe we should all meet up one day I’m not sure where you all are I think you are in Uk. Like minded people coming together, have lunch chat, shout, talk, help each other get through this awful grieving chapter of our life.
Sending big love :heart: and healing :heart:‍:adhesive_bandage: to you Kazzer and each and every one of you love Tracey xxx


Misprint they are beautiful


Mollymayson I did put a post up a few months ago called “ just a thought “ and it was to encourage like minded people coming together to meet and support each other and I believe there are some groups developed due to it .

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Oh really Kazzer? I’ll have to try find it, is everyone on here from Uk ? Would be nice to meet up xxx


The one at the top will be 16 this year and the other two are mother and daughter

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Mollymayson I believe so I hope you find it and get to meet up with someone in your area good luck xx if you type in the bar at the top where the spy glass thing is just a thought that post will come up there are lots of replies on it xxx

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Awww your doggies look so adorable all of them bless, mine are Boxer dogs and I can’t take both out together any more as they are so strong they would pull me over and have done I tried it lol,


So cute mine are brother and sister x

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Well said​:raised_hands::two_hearts: