
I have really struggled with anxiety over the past couple of weeks more than usual. I got to a point when I felt I could not cope any longer. I heard that exercise can help burning of the adrenaline releasing endorphins to make me feel calmer. I have never been one for exercise but I have downloaded a beginners exercise routine and am going to try this in the morning and afternoon. It has to be worth a try. It will hopefully give me motivation help me feel better and fitter. Has anyone else tried exercise in this horrendous journey we are on and if so how has it been. Sending hugs x


Hi nel, I’ve been having horrendous anxiety and panic (worse on waking) which started about 5 weeks after my husband’s death, I’m on medication, but like you read about exercise helping, early on I tried workout with Jordan on YouTube which was simple enough, even though I get desperate to try anything to rid the anxiety it’s hard to stay motivated when your grieving, I do at least force a 20 minute walk everyday, I’m hoping to join a yoga class next week, everyone tells me the anxiety will eventually fade, please god! I hope their right, it’s so debilitating


@Bugiz I joined yoga about ten weeks ago and I use admit once I have done the class I feel relaxed for most of the day. It is only just up the road from where I live which at the moment is good as I find it difficult to go very far. Sending you a hug x


Hi Nel
I have always maintained that exercise is the finest thing for any of us to do. No matter what we choose. I have always been an exercise person and like the gym and yoga, I love dancing and a keen rambler and cyclist (now given this up). I now have to cut some of it down but I still do 2 hours of walking a day which is one of the best ways to stay calm. Being a keen gardener I also grow my own veg on our allotments and look after my garden plus I do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Plenty of help on YouTube if your a bit lost for idea’s
I found it very hard to pick up on it after losing my husband and would spend more time crying but eventually it did come back to me.
You are doing the right thing. Have you thought of a walking group. Best of luck.


@Nel grief affects our physical well-being as well as our emotional one. I find walking and being out in nature very therapeutic. When I lost my dad I found back and shoulder massages really helpful, now I have lost my partner I have booked into to have another massage next week. It takes some of the tension out of my body

@Nel I also saw a dr on YouTube last night saying sugar agrevates high cortisol in mornings so I’m cutting that back too

I started my aqua class s again. Gentle aerobic exercises in water to crazy 60/70/80 s music along with c. 24 other (mainly) women. Very gentle and good simple fun. I can’t bear the gym but this has helped every morning Sun-Fr after breakfast.


Really ? Maybe I need to try that as with noteating much I’ve been having sugar in my tea for an energy boost :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: xx

Hi @Nel
Exercise is also something I am contemplating to help with my overall stress levels. Right now I am still finding it difficult to just leave the house. But I have an exercise bike, which is sat there waiting to be used. I also used to do Pilates which was enjoyable and am going to try my best to re introduce this back into my life. I am back at work in a few weeks and know that this is something I really need to do to help me start functioning again.
I do hope your exercise sessions have helped you today, take care xx