Expected but unexpected

I lost my amazing, kind, caring husband 7 days ago, I am struggling to process it because we knew it was coming but it happened so quickly, much quicker than the doctors told us to expect and I keep wanting to go back to the information we were given and decide if I could have made anything easier for him. He is not in pain now and I am grateful for that.
Now I am thinking of my life, life is like writing a book, the first chapter is always birth to the age of 16 constructed of other people’s choices and decisions. Every chapter of our lives after that is made up of people who come in and out of our lives and the choices and decisions that we make for ourselves, the book of life is usually made up of several different chapters and now that I have lost my husband who I adored I have to think about the next chapter and hope that I can make wise choices and decisions to continue to make the story of my life a happy one. I will try to focus on the good and happy times we shared instead of the heartbreaking last few months to help me process what has happened and start to write the next chapter


Hi @derbyhall ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Hi @derbyhall
I am truly sorry for your loss.
What an interesting way to describe life. Is this the final chapter, I wonder? It’s definitely the chapter we focus on and yet there have been many chapters full of joy and happiness. We must never forget those chapters. We must never let this sad chapter define us. The whole book defines us, not just a chapter. It has now been more than seven years since I lost my beloved husband and I can now recall those happier chapters and be grateful for them. The pain never fully goes away but I can know a certain contentment. I am still truly, madly, deeply in love with my husband, so perhaps for me, it is the final chapter. I’m still writing it…