Family visit

Hi. There is going tobbe a keyes family forum this week. Where all of andys siblings, nephews, and some friends meet up. Andy used to moan about them, but really enjoyed them when the actual occasion arrived. We’re going to visit andy on friday. Which will be the first time they will have seen the actual headstone. So it will be a very emotional time for us all. I’m sort of looking forward to it, but also very sad that andy won’t be there. We’ll talk about him a lot. Our nephew’s girlfriend will be there. She never met him which is sad as i belive she is a lovely girl and he would have loved to meet her. I’m sure we’ll have a lovely time


Hi @Camille58 ,

Thank you for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with the family visit. Please let us know how you get on.

Take good care,


Will do. I’m sort of looking forward to it