Family wedding

Hi, my partner died suddenly 4 weeks ago and in a weeks time I have to face going alone to my daughters wedding.
Any help on how I can cope? At the moment I am breaking down several times a day.
Thank you all


Dear @Helly24

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your partner. Your daughter, family and her extended family will be aware that you have lost your partner. It is ok to let them know on the wedding day that you will be emotional and get upset. They will understand this. It is ok to cry and break down as you are still in the early stages of grief. Attending any event after losing a loved one is a big step and sad one as your partner is not there by your side as he normally would be.

Sue Ryder has a Grief Guide that contains useful information on how to understand and cope with your bereavement and grief.

There is also a Text Support Service called Grief Coach recently launched by Sue Ryder for friends and family. It is a free grief support to your phone personalised on your loss. This may be of help to you and your family and friends.

You can connect with members here who have been in a similar situation as yourself by typing the Loss of Partner in the search bar.

Please continue to reach out, you are not alone.

Take care.


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Hello 5 weeks is such a short space of time for you and your family. My husband died in Feb this year and I have just attended a family wedding without my wing man. I told everyone I would do my best and if I got too much I’d take myself off for a while.
I found the hardest part was listening to the vows, and seeing other couples together dancing .
The nice things were in the speeches they did a toast to my husband and everyone was so thoughtful and kind. To help myself I thought of funny happy memories of weddings we went to including our own and that made me smile.

I do hope everything went well and wish I’d seen this post earlier.

Thank you for your kind words, I got through the day and drew comfort from seeing my daughter so happy and radiant. Didn’t sit on the top table, opting to sit with family nearer an exit in case I needed to escape for a while. So very hard picking up the pieces of my life without my love but I am trying for him.