
My kids lost their dad in May, absolutely devastating to lose their father but for the last 8 weeks he’s family haven’t acknowledged our existence anybody else had this x


Dear @Sah28

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your husband and that your children have lost their father.

I can hear the pain in your post as to his family not acknowledging your existence. Grief affects everyone in a different way and for some it hard to accept their loved one is no longer around.

Grief affects the way we act with emotions and feelings, all of which is understandable. It could be that they are struggling with the grief and reality of what has happened and trying to come to terms with their loss also. As it is only 8 weeks since the loss of your husband, the feelings are still very raw for everyone.

Would it be worth you contacting the family to see how they are coping at this difficult time?

Please take care of yourself and your family.

Peppers x

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It’s 21 weeks tomorrow x

My husbands family havent contacted me since the funeral, his father didnt contact us the whole year that he was ill.


I’ll never understand how people can walk away.

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Know what you mean my wife’s funeral wife’s 3 brothers and rest of her family have not contacted me since the funeral last November keeping their names etc in my phone so that i can ignore them getting mentally stronger and can do without them don’t even think they visit her grave i was upset yesterday to see the headstone had been fitted boy o boy was that upsetting to see her name and dates i thought bloody hell this is really happening but i was also very proud that i had given my darling a good send off with the help of no one else sod them all my love to you all xxx


Awful … just read this im so sorry : ( 2 of my husbands brothers didn’t even acknowledge my husbands passing :frowning: its very upsetting isnt it ? xxx

Theres some weird people about :frowning: take care of the kids and sod them ! Xxx