Fast approaching a year since I lost my partner

In 11 days it will be a year since I lost my partner, my love of 20 years and I can’t get my head round it. Sometimes it seems Iike it was just yesterday. I can see everything in my head what happened that day so clearly and I can’t cope with it Everything seems pointless at the moment.


Hello @Tj60,

I’m so sorry to hear about your partner. It sounds as though things are very tough at the moment.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. You might already be familiar with our other Online Bereavement Support services, but if not, you can find out more about our Online Counselling service, our Grief Coach text support service, and our Grief Guide self-help tools by visiting the link.

You may also want to read ‘How to cope with death anniversaries’ for any extra support.

Take care - keep reaching out,


I’m 3 months behind you, my husband died suddenly out of the blue at the beginning of March this year. Every day is a battle and a future isn’t something I can even think about. The only people who understand are those in the same situation. I’m hibernating and staying at home a lot as anything else is too exhausting. The “what are you doing for Christmas?” questions are difficult to dodge as I approach another first!


My spouse passed about 11 months ago. It feels like yesterday, but sometimes like a long time ago. I think I kind of died that day, too. I don’t really know who I am, but I’m not the person I was before. Not sure who I’ll be down the line either.


Oh sweetheart I am truly so sad to hear of your loss . I can feel the heartbreak in your words :sparkles:🫶🏻:sparkles:. Hope is all I have to cling onto myself at the moment, hope that time and the support I have found here ; the kindness and support that I have found here which has felt like a life raft to someone who is completely all at sea without a rudder . Please keep talking and respond when you feel able :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::pray:t2:. I didn’t think this forum would be helpful at all but it has been and I hope it helps you also .
My heart is torn asunder , my life , my love yet here I am among like minded souls , all experiencing great loss and pain and yet still finding the grace and kindness to help others despite their own sorrow :sparkles:🫶🏻:sparkles:.

That’s it in a nutshell. You do t feel like the same person at all. I’m 11 months without my husband and I’m reliving it all again.


@Tj60 the loss of a soulmate suddenly is hard to come to terms with, your are scared internally. I am coming up for my 3rd christmas and the reality of them not being around sinks in. We are all in different boats but still in the sea of grief trying to navigate a course to a less rougher part. Keep safe and know you are not alone.


Yes, scared internally is how I feel.


It certainly is a difficult course to take but we’ve no option unfortunately Take care everyone


I hear you….I lost my partner suddenly in April and I feel lost empty alone and scared of the future


It’s s long snd lonely road but we have no other options. Every day Seems to get harder and harder. Thinking of you. A sudden death is harder on those left behind I lost my Dad suddenly too at a young age. Look after yourself