Fatal accident, loss of a young one

Good Morning,

My son was the driver involved in a fatal accident on 28th November 2021, he hit black ice and collided head on into a tree. Resulting in the loss of his girlfriend 5 days later when her life support was taken down. I’m really struggling as a mum to make any sense of this….
I’m a nurse and deal with loss all the time, I lost my brother to suicide 30 years ago and I’ve had breast cancer, but those were my battles this is so different- I’m a mum and I can’t make it better.
My son’s girlfriend family are amazing and support Joe as he is theirs too, the police have told us it could take two years to complete the investigation and for an inquest, even though there’s no blame!
I feel like life at times isn’t worth going on for, but know I have too!
I’ve lost all respect for the police, my son was treated horribly by them, and we weren’t informed of anything until four hours later…….
I just need to reach out xxx


Dear Paula25,

I cannot imagine the pain you and your family, and your son’s girlfriend family must be going through. Such a tragic loss of a young life, I wish there was something I could say to lessen your pain. In the 2 years since I have joined this site I have only read a few other posts from people who have lost a loved one in a traffic accident, but there are many posts from parents who have lost a child in other ways, and I hope that some of them will reach out to you as they will understand best what you are going through and they may be able to offer some words of comfort or tell you how they have been able to keep going. Your son is blessed to have you as his mum. You sound like you have been through a lot yourself, and that you will do everything you can to support him. Please feel free to post on here as often as you want. xxx Jo

Bless you and welcome. Grief is a Terrible thing and it’s very early day’s. We are all struggling on here so at least we have each other. Nothing ever makes sense and the pain is unbearable at time’s. I once said to my husband it’s always the nicest people who get taken and it upset him because he said I must not think he was a nice person then covid took him in horrible circumstances. I had a really bad experience with the paramedics being so long and the coroner was awful. Some day we will make sense of it all. Hang on in there and chat to us as much as you like. I only found this place yesterday and it is helping already because we all understand. Virtual hugs