Father died yesterday

My father died yesterday from a Cardiac Attack and I feel I could done more.

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Dear Olines,

I think that only a medical expert who knows all the circumstances would possibly be able to answer your question, but I doubt there is more you could have done. There is a lot of information about heart attacks and cardiac arrests on the website of the British Heart Foundation and statistics for survival of a cardiac arrest outside hosoital are not very good, I think it is only 1 in 10 that survives. Please do not add to your grief by wondereing ‘what if’ or by putting any feelings of guilt on yourself. I hope that you have family members and friends who can support you at this difficult time when you are having to deal with this sudden and unexpected loss. It is good that you have joined this online community. There are many people who like you have lost a parent and who can relate to what you are going through. Most of their stories can be found in the ‘losing a parent’ catgory’, or you could type ‘cardiac arrest’ or ‘heart attack’ in the search button. Take care of yourself, and do reach out to others on this site as often as you want to. Jo64


I lost my husband Alan suddenly in September last year to a heart attack he was 67 and had been playing football when it happened without any prior warning. CPR was performed by the footballers until the ambulance arrived. We were told via coroners report that nothing other than immediate surgery would have saved him. It was a silent killer as other than taking statins outwardly there was nothing wrong with him. Don’t beat yourself up you could have done more because in all likelihood, unless in hospital with direct access to a defib, the odds of surviving are very slim. We had an emotional day yesterday as our daughter got married. My sons’ did their dad proud reading his speech (first draft). Hard day for all of us but I know he was there in spirit. Sorry for your loss.
Sandra x

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Yes, the stats are poor, but the majority die from withdrawal of life support, and this event isn’t audited in hospitals. So, it is not known whether all of these are lawful.