Fathers Day and Anniversaries

I lost my lovely husband Alan of 37 years in September 2021. It’s Father’s Day on Sunday, our daughter got married on 14th May. My husbands birthday on 27th (same day as my sons’ partner) and mine on the 30th June. Thought I was coping but feel very sad tonight. Sitting alone in floods of tears with the dog. Trying to stay strong for my family, first grandchild due in December but finding it really hard. Don’t want you bring the family down with me x

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I hear you!!! I lost my dad on 21st February and father’s day on Sunday…another belt but what um learning…there’s always something…
Every day actually…chin up…one hour at a time!!! A day is too long!!! Or better still as my gp told me "just put one foot in front of the other "

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Thank you Patrick. I think I’d geared myself up to be happy and positive for my daughters wedding last month, and succeeded for the most part. I was determined not to put a dampener on her big day. Feeling very flat now. It isn’t helping that I gave up my job of 26 years (my husband died at my place of work) and am getting a lot of stress through my new job.

Hi Patrick

How are you doing today? No doubt - one foot in front of the other as you said in your post. That is the only way for some of us to cope at times like this. It’s tough, but I’m sending you thoughts and a hug at this time of year.

Thanks :blush: I need all the help that I can get.

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